
Discussion in 'Denied' started by 8jaaroud, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. 8jaaroud

    8jaaroud New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    A Heavy construction alloy, 
    is extremely hard, though inferior to diamond by a fair margin., and extremely strong. But it is also extremely heavy, clocking in at 32 tonnes per cubic metre. It is unfit for use on mecha's, armour, and vehicles. Any ships made from it that try to enter close orbit will almost certainly get trapped in the gravitational well of any celestial object. As such it's only use is in construction.


    -Can resist natural and kinetic.(Not multiple hours, more minutes(For kinetic))

    -Is decent against lasers/plasma, though cannot withstand these a whole lot. worse than Durasteel.

    -Due to it's strength, it works perfectly as support beams for buildings, or as walls for bunkers and military bases.


    -Can not, under any circumstance(Except space), be used as armour. It is simply too hard, and too heavy. Including power armour/mecha`s.

    -Can not use it on any ship/station in close orbit of a planet or star.

    -It is incredibly hard to build with, due to it's hardness.

    -Due to it's weight, it is incredibly hard to transport, making trading and or selling it extremely hard.

    -Hard to produce.

    -Must be produced in large chunks, as such it is hard to utilize with other alloys or make thin sheets out of.

    How does it work:

    is essentially a Durasteel-Impervium-Ferozium alloy treated in an ultra-high pressure and temperature environment, usually built with a Rubium frame for extra support. The reason for it's hardness is due to it's ultra-high pressure treatment, forcing the atoms to move extremely close to each other. This is also the reason behind it's absurdly high density.



    Developed by
    , the only way to obtain it is to either steal it, buy it or reverse engineer it.



    (Edit 2: Edited the stats a bit, as to make it more balanced towards it's intended purpose.)
  2. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey /profile/78-8jaaroud/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="78" href="/profile/78-8jaaroud/" id="ips_uid_7_4">@8jaaroud, I'm going to have to fail
    for two main reasons.

    • The first reason is balance. This metal is just impervium, but better. It's sturdier, harder, and resists pretty much every type of weaponry, allowing for essentially indestructible starcrafts. One of the limitations listed is that it's hard to work with, but even in our day and age we can just cast metals, it's very rare for people to just bend them into shape. However, removing these abilities would kinda undo the app I feel.

    • Secondly, scientific feasibility. We aren't hard-scifi, and never will be, but a metal harder than diamond sounds kind of impossible, even by our standards. Diamonds are hard for a variety of reasons, most importantly, the carbon atoms in diamonds are bonded to four other carbon atoms, each an equal distance apart, which forms a sort of mesh that's incredibly rigid. On top of this, a single diamond molecule is huge comparative to other molecules. To be harder than diamond, it'd have to be even bigger and somehow more rigid, and that's hard to achieve with an alloy.

    [​IMG]              [​IMG]

    A diamond molecule (left) compared to a graphene molecule (right), which is also made of carbon atoms.


    Awaiting seconding.
  3. 8jaaroud

    8jaaroud New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    What if I remove the harder than diamond part and just set it to be extremely sturdy but weaker to anything that isn't kinetic? I wasn't intending a supermaterial for starcrafts, and now that I read over it for a like 30th time, that's exacly the kind of monstrosity i've created.
  4. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Wouldn't that defeat the purpose? In that case it'd just basically be Impervium, which is why I failed this instead of requesting that parts be removed.
  5. 8jaaroud

    8jaaroud New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    It'l still be hard, just not as hard. It'l still be relatively resistant to plasma/laser, just not as much. It'l be Impervium with the weaknesses negated a bit at the cost of being a lot harder to produce and more expensive.

    (EDIT: As I feel this might make this make more sense, I keep careful logs of how much my faction produces, and how fast it produces, etc.)

    (Edit 2: Edited the stats a bit, as to make it more balanced towards it's intended purpose.)

  6. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello @8jaaroud
    I will have to agree with Nemo that this application must be failed.
    The core of the metal's purpose is exactly what we can't rightly accept.
    It is a metal that is undeniably better than impervium, at the cost of being more expensive.
    Being more expensive really means nothing in the larger scope of things, essentially limiting this material to richer groups of the fringe and even then it may render impervium obsolete. I suggest you take deeper consideration into balance before trying to make an application for an alloy or material.