Other Helminglot

Discussion in 'Tech/Augment Applications' started by zecon125, Jan 4, 2025 at 11:32 PM.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Helminglot, Language Worm, Babelbiote

    Description: Helminglot are a group of symbiotic worms around 16mm in length and 4mm in diameter. Their shape, size, pattern, and color are highly variable due to breeders prioritizing diversity in their stock. It is an open secret that Helminglot were artificially created, and do not occur naturally within the galaxy.
    . . Helminglot are valued for their ability to impart a language within their host. Said language may only be spoken by those with the same breed of Helminglot.

    - Helminglot: Allows the user to speak a unique language custom to the symbiote’s breed.

    Conditional Abilities:
    - Memorable:
    Even if the Helminglot is removed later on, the language comprehension is maintained.

    - Comprehensible:
    The language can be deciphered and translated by others as if it were another mundane language.

    Conditional Limitations:
    - Take One: Only one Helminglot may exist in a host body. To remove a pre-existing Helminglot requires extensive surgery.
    - Biologically Adapted: Helminglots can not fulfill their purpose in species that do not have vocal cords.

    How does it work: When swallowed whole, a Helminglot begins a seventy-two hour process in which it attaches itself to its host. During this process, it effectively becomes an additional speech organ within the host body.
    . . At the end of this process, the worm sends its host the necessary information to understand the new language they can now speak.

    Flavor text: It is unknown who created the first Helminglot, though some conspiracy theorists believe they were originally engineered by secret societies, or the ancient precursors, as a means of keeping their communication incomprehensible.

    Referenced Technologies: None

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Other