Medical Brand Reforging Procedures

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Roren, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    Name: Brand Reforging

    Description: Brand Reforging is the act of adding composite materials to damaged, or even broken, brands, to repair them to a functional state, allowing them to restore a Novakid to life.

    Abilities: Resurrection, Life Extension

    Limitations: Varying Results, Costly Procedure, Memory Loss

    How does it work: Damaged or broken brands are restored utilizing the same types of composite metals and mineral makeup of brands to "fill in the blanks", restoring what remains to life. The recently revived experiences a myriad of feelings and emotions upon revival, and may even be aware of their own death and burial, leading to an unpredictable and possibly dangerous individual as their "brain" adjusts and adapts. While they may not be entirely the same person, the science insists that it is them. (For points of reference, research brain damage and specifically the case of Phineas Gage to better understand the situation.)

    Flavor text: Brand Reforging has always been possible, but never attempted, out of respect for the dead, or general disinterest or a lack of the understanding of the sciences. Additionally, the procedures are considered "crimes against nature" for the obvious parallels to necromancy, therefore, any attempts have been barred by civspace law. However, such stigmas and rules don't apply in the fringe, and with the ongoing colonization and expansion into places unknown, more adventurous individuals are willing to consider the option.

    Attainability: Semi-Closed: In order to start these procedures, you need to find a qualified individual with extensive knowledge on Novakid biology and makeup, and then, you cannot enact these procedures without the brand or brand remnants, obviously.

    Tags: Industrial, Racial

    Category: Medical
  2. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    hey so if this retreads itself a lot or if it doesnt make much sense, that's my bad, im usually very concise and had to fill in the mandatory categories

    i hope this gets the point across as a "ship of theseus" type of resurrection process
  3. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I like it. Fucked up alternative cloning method / medical procedure to dramatically change a character. Only a few things of note:
    1) When it's bringing someone 'back from the dead' who is very much dead, the procedure should take 3 days and a cloning app (this is effectively an alternative cloning method)
    2) Semi-closed is for apps that are hidden behind specific obscure racial tech and/or a faction. You should put the 'requires someone with niche training' requirement under limitations and make the app open.
  4. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    I'll think about the latter bc the methods for "Smithing" a brand I feel could genuinely open up some more solid novakid lore down the line, like, iirc they were made by greys right? so maybe it is limited to a racial technology that is extremely hard to come across now, but can be easier to find after the first canonical resurrection, which i have plans to actually rp out with some people if we can muster em up

    also, IRL stuff is getting in the way right now, so if i cant be around to actually figure out the rewrite here, you guys do have my full permission to follow up with the idea how you see fit to get it in a usable state until i can actively come back in and make the changes id want to. big move in a week or so now
  5. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Moving to Denied after a long period of inactivity. If you still have interest in seeing this application through, send me a message and it be moved back.