Medical General Purpose Regeneration Serum

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Cheffy, May 3, 2024.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: General Purpose Regeneration Serum, GPRS, Gurps, "Morphine"

    Description: GPRS takes the form of a viscous, dark green fluid which lacks an odor. Most commonly, it is administered by an autoinjecting hypodermic needle- though in settings where additional equipment may be present, an IV may also be used.

    Rapid Healing:
    GPRS rapid heals lacerations, bullet wounds, burns up to third degree, internal bleeding and bone fractures while also providing antibiotics and disinfection. This process takes around thirty seconds to complete and depending on the severity may not fully heal the injury in the given span its active. An important note is that all wounds regenerated by GPRS will scar without fail.

    Conditional Abilities:
    You can, technically, consume GPRS. If you do this, it doesn't heal you, tastes sweet, and gives you indigestion.

    Species Compatibility: GPRS is compatible with most biological species, assuming they are carbon-based. Though notably, GPRS is less effective on Remnants due to their biology.

    Localized Support:
    GPRS isn't a full-body treatment, instead it is localized to specific regions where the serum is injected. These regions are each limb and the torso/head. The cause of this is primarily by the amount of medicine injected as the standard auto-injector only provides enough serum for a specific zone.

    Fatigue: GPRS draws from the energy stores of a patient's body while regenerating their wounds, this leaves the injected region feeling considerably weaker due to a form of exhaustion. This usually lasts around ten to thirty minutes, depending on the severity of injury that was healed. A patient is also encouraged to eat as soon as possible after injection to help replenish lost energy.

    Organ Integrity: GPRS can't regenerate organs if they're completely gone, for example, at minimum half of an organ would need to be present to actually be able to heal to a point where it might not be critical. Brain injuries are also beyond what GPRS can fix due to their complexity.

    Conditional Limitations:
    Improper Healing:
    While GPRS can effectively heal many injuries, it does not help with certain issues caused by those injuries. For example, a broken bone may heal improperly if not set before injection which could lead to serious side effects. Alternatively, if someone's lung is shot through, GPRS would heal the damage but leave the lung full of blood. GPRS also cannot be used to reattach dismembered limbs or digits, instead it would simply create new tissue over the injury.

    Objects: GPRS doesn't force out objects that are within the body, such as bullets, metal or bone fragments, or any other physical obstruction. Instead, the healing occurs around the object- which can cause issues later on or in severe cases, immediately.

    Diminishing Returns: GPRS has diminishing returns with multiple injections into the same region beyond the first- effectively being no better than ReGEN at repairing the body. The period before GPRS is effective again is around fifteen minutes. Additionally, injections beyond the first will cause numbness in the region applied leading up to total loss of sensation at three doses. If more than three doses are applied to a patient in one region, they lose the ability to manipulate the region- in the case of torso injection, this manifests as entering a short-term coma that needs a hospital visitation.

    Blood Loss: While GPRS is an incredibly potent regenerative cocktail, it doesn't actually replace missing blood. Patients who are suffering from severe blood loss will not be helped by this, even if their wounds are healed- actual blood transfusions will be needed instead.

    Augmentation: In most scenarios, GPRS and various cybernetic augmentation have no compatibility issues with each other. The only exceptions to this are when faulty devices are present, or a patient requires anti-rejection medicine and has forgone it. In these cases, the serum attempts to heal the affected areas which may cause issues with the connection points.

    How does it work:
    Utilizing a high-concentration cocktail of primed stem-cells and growth acceleration drugs, GPRS rapidly causes wound closure and replacement of lost tissue. Unfortunately this cocktail does not provide the nutrients needed for rapid regeneration, which causes the body to draw on its own energy stores to sustain the healing factor while the drug is active within itself. GPRS also has trace amounts of cell-stabilizing compounds to prevent cells from becoming cancerous as well as halting the process of metastasis should it occur.

    Flavor text:
    With the advent of the first galactic war a realization came to many companies within civ-space's medical sector. Proper hospital care for serious injuries was few and far between in the high-intensity warzones of the conflict. Dozens of products were pushed out attempting to catch the eyes of the various militaries- until one managed to succeed. General Purpose Regeneration Serum, or GPRS, was developed and sold by the Jorgensen-Kishigawa corporation to various militaries and paramilitary groups for the duration of the war, bringing them vast amounts of profit which was quickly reinvested by the growing business. Now, in the modern day, Jorgensen-Kishigawa is a pharmaceutical tycoon that exists both within and outside of Civ-Space, not only selling but licensing the production of GPRS to certain trusted institutions in regions they were denied access to.

    Referenced Technologies:

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Medical

    Cost: 100▣ per injector. 540▣ for a container of six injectors. 1920▣ for a container of twenty four injectors.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2024
  2. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Pending. There was discussion of this in dms, but I'm putting the notes here for documentation purposes that way if another grader looks at it they don't need to find staff discussion logs from a month ago.

    1. emphasis on scarring as a NECESSARY balance feature, since internal scarring is such a big deal and scarred bones are the thing that prevents it from being a simplifying tool and instead makes it an interesting high-risk tool
    2. it can use scar tissue to repair organs if theyre intact enough to repair, it cant replace them if the failure is catastrophic. the latter usually just kills you anyway. doesnt need percentages
    3. cybernetics. if someone is using their anti-rejection meds (or has appropriate gene therapy) then it works normally on them and doesnt interact with cybernetics. if they are skipping meds, using bootleg cybernetics, or otherwise 'winging it', then it can cause cybernetic rejection as the drug attempts to 'heal' tissue that implants are connected to (such as sealing up the nervous connection to a cyberport in an arm). with internal tissue this can be lethal (ie your pacemaker is suddenly rejected
    4. clarify if this works on all species or if it doesn't apply to exotic species like remnants, shifters, ect
    Some issues scar tissue can cause:

    1. on joints, it reduces movement
    2. could block blood flow to vital organs or tissues, causing them to die
    3. in organs, it doesn’t replace important tissue. Your scarred over kidney or liver isn’t bleeding into your body anymore, but it still lacks the functionality of a healthy organ. This isn’t a huge issue in the liver and kidneys because the biggest short-term issue from being shot there is the insane hemorrhaging that occurs
    4. if you’re shot in the heart you’re still dead
    5. in the lungs, you’re still going to have pneumothorax
    6. in the bowels, scar tissue can cause bowel narrowings that lead to obstructions. Short term, this means pain, nausea and vomiting. Also you might still have poop that leaked into your abdomen before the wound closed
    7. If your bladder is hit by a gunshot wound and the pee leaks out, then it’s fixed, that’s going to be another source of abdominal pain -
    8. Repaired muscle might also be weak or nonfunctional
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Moved to Denied per author's request.