Tools Dataknives

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Cheffy, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Dataknives, Skulljacks, Hackblade, Electronic Skeleton Key

    Dataknives are typically five inch long cylindrical or rectangular devices, on one end is a holo-projecter which provides a digital display, on the other is a flat panel with a slit for deployment of the various implements the device utilizes.

    Skeleton Key: Dataknives are able to interface with almost every kind of access port in the Galaxy by utilizing a scanner and a small EN device full of various connectors. Some esoteric, rare, or ancient devices however may not be able to be accessed until a new connector is added to the EN storage.

    Override: Dataknives have a built-in code generator, designed to cycle through thousands of options in seconds until it's able to brute-force through standard digital security. This is limited however to a few options with the prevalence of firewalls, causing the primary use of the device to be opening electronically locked doors that don’t utilize keycards, computer passwords and taking control of ship navigation systems.

    Shutdown: However, there is one exception to what Dataknives can interact with. When used on robotic entities that don't utilize neuromorphic processors (also known as sapient robots/synthetics or Strong AI), they are injected with a quick-acting, powerful virus that triggers an instant shutdown of their systems through one method or another; essentially knocking them out into a 'sleep state' until reactivated.

    Conditional Abilities:
    A cheaper, more limited use version of a Dataknife exists; the Datashiv. Compared to its more expensive counterpart, it only costs four thousand pixels, with a five hundred pixel repair fee after an EMP. However this comes with a trade off- Datashivs are built without EN drives, and with only a single type of connector, limiting their use.

    Dataknives are powerful, albeit niche, tools. But their largest downside is the fact that they can only be used with physical contact. A Dataknife must be held against an access port to correctly scan and then release the proper connector, if this is not done, it can’t be used.

    Code Generation: The brute-force method of hacking that Dataknives utilize is fast, but not instantaneous. A knife must have constant access to a port for five seconds (one CRP turn) to successfully hack it. If interrupted, the hack fails and it must be attempted again.

    Retrieval: Deploying a given connector is a rapid process for a Dataknife, but retracting one is not. To return a connector to the EN drive, an option must be selected on the holographic display and ten seconds (two CRP turns) must pass for it to be sent back into storage.

    Conditional Limitations:
    EMP Vulnerability:
    Dataknives do not have a large amount of protection from electro-magnetic pulses, a single pulse rendering a device inoperable for thirty seconds (six CRP turns) before it can reboot. Post a reboot, they operate in a less efficient manner, requiring twice as long to hack, shut down, and retrieve connectors.

    Expense: Dataknives aren’t cheap, each is an expensive tool due to the various technology and software put into the device. A single knife equals out to around ten thousand pixels, with repair costs after an electro-magnetic pulse coming out to around two thousand pixels.

    Weight: On its own, a Dataknife is no heavier than a half a kilogram. However when accounting for the number of connectors that may be stored, this can raise to a maximum of nine kilograms. Most average out at around four kilograms.

    Advanced Access: Some doors a Dataknife simply can’t brute force through with its code-generator. Either due to age, complexity, or utilizing protection software that it can’t beat. In most cases, these are incredibly high-tech and rarely used out of high-security areas. In fewer situations, archotech (precursors, for example) may be involved, which Dataknives are simply not advanced enough to handle.

    How does it work:
    The most important part of how a Dataknife functions is its code-generator. The part itself is an incredibly high-tech device installed which rapidly generates, inputs, and cycles through thousands upon thousands of potential code options in seconds. This allows it to brute force through most basic security found on doors, computer terminals, and ship-controls.

    The second part is the integrated EN drive and the connectors stored within. Each connector is built with a specialized base which is locked in place on top of the EN drive’s primary port, which also attaches to separate connectors to link it to the code-generator. Adding a new connector to the EN drive is as simple as acquiring a specialized base for the given connector, locking it in place, and retrieving it with the EN drive.

    Flavor text:
    "For the last time, do not, under any circumstances, use this as an actual knife. It's not designed for it, I don't care how many games and movies have them work through stabbing- this is a delicate piece of equipment and you will treat it with respect and use it how you're supposed to. Understood?"

    With the prevalence of electronic security systems over archaic physical locks in the third millennium thieves, operatives, spies, and more needed a solution beyond knowing the password or breaking the door open. That solution comes in the form of the Dataknife, an expensive answer to a somewhat common issue which was recently developed by the Triad Corporation located in Civ-Space. Noting that such a device would be highly illegal in their primary markets, they chose a different route... selling directly to the Fringe, the lawless frontier of the galaxy. This has unsurprisingly been extremely successful thus far, and they regularly ship out software updates to ensure that their products stay top-of-the-line in the backwater they're sold to. However, as expected, the Fringe isn't one to stick to only official and expensive variants, choosing instead to create their which are known colloquially as Datashivs- homemade models, kit-bashed jobs, Fringe company and nation productions, most of these fall under the same term.

    Referenced Technologies:

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
  2. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Pending. Considerable rewriting is needed here.

    The idea is sound... but in their current state there are quite a few issues. To start there's simply no need for EN storage here. It would make the device unnecessarily expensive, and you could easily just carry a case around with the most commonly used connectors and maybe a few oddball connectors, and the case has the added bonus of being easy to organize. Yes, it would be a little bit bulkier, but it wouldn't exactly be difficult to slip into a bag. You just don't need EN storage, it would make it extraordinarily expensive. It's not like it would be particularly heavy, either, given they're just tiny connectors that weigh practically nothing.

    Another important point is that the idea of "auto-hacking" isn't particularly riveting as a narrative tool-- and would be rather annoying to deal with as a GM. There's no issue when it involves a lower-end security system, but if someone can just instantly hack any door or into any ship navigation system by plugging a dataknife in, then it could remove a lot of the narrative risk that might be at play.

    Lastly, staff generally feels as though there should be a little more preparation involved for anything that's not low-end security. We're not asking for someone to study programming or anything, but characters (either the person using the dataknife or the person distributing the dataknife) should have some knowledge of what it is they need to/want to hack into, and a basic level of knowledge of hacking as a whole. Additionally, as the level of security increases, the time required to brute force your way through it should increase too. This is basically an expansion on the existing 'Advanced Access' limitation dataknives have. To restate-- the idea is sound, but this app would need a rewrite before I'd be willing to give it a passing grade.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Moved to Denied with the understanding that a rewritten version will be posted at a later date.