Operation KILL Galaxy Citizen

Discussion in 'Staff Applications' started by Teldrassil, May 24, 2024.

  1. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Forum name: Teldrassil

    Age: omg epic cheese reference?

    Country/Timezone: England innit

    Why do you want to be Staff?: I'd like to be able to more deeply help members of the server have a good time, alongside helping to keep particular areas of GC running smoothly.

    What skills can you bring to the staff team?: I’m sociable, passionate, and eager to help. I’m great at remembering lore and working within codified structures (such as game systems). I also have a lot of patience for doing drudge work. I’m also very familiar with psionics lore, and have a developing understanding of the OOC balance behind it, having extensively read through the psionic grading guide.

    What area(s) would you be most interested in helping assist with (if you have more than one preference, list in order of highest preference to lowest)?:
    I'd like to devote a lot of time to helping people with psionics - answering questions, grading apps, and working with players to create awakening events, roleplay regarding development, and opportunities for contracts. I also really enjoy helping players get familiar with the server and its lore, and whilst I can do that outside of staff, I would be more able to do so as staff. I also would be interested in writing lore, particularly revamping old lore, but cannot promise I will be consistent or quick in that. Lastly, I want to grade other apps besides psionic apps.

    Have you had prior experience moderating/staffing an online community?: Yes

    If so, where? What were your responsibilities?: I was a mod in a SW:TOR RP guild where I built the dice system and tracked everyone's characters in a spreadsheet.

    As staff, it is crucial to be visible to the public; on the Forums, through the Discord, and on the Server. Though it is not mandatory to be on these three all the time, do you agree to be as active as possible through these means?: Yes, soon I will have too much time on my hands.

    For better interaction with our users on the Galaxy Citizen Discord server and to take full part in any voice meetings we may have in the Staff Discord, it is recommended that you use a good microphone. Do you possess a microphone (If you do not have a microphone, it will NOT affect your chances for being on Staff)?: I have an okay microphone.

    What do you like about this community?: I enjoy the diverse concepts that thrive in the environment of creative freedom that GC cultivates, and I find comfort in the resilience of the server alongside its overall lack of toxicity.

    What areas would you like to receive help in should you become staff? I’d like to receive help in managing enforcement and understanding the grading system.

    What are your weaknesses? I can be flighty, prone to setting unrealistic goals, and find conflict a little difficult. Additionally, I lack confidence as a lore writer. I’m also currently working through some stuff I’m not going to share openly which might make some enforcement cases emotionally difficult for me, but it’s unlikely to come up - willing to elaborate in private.

    Galaxy Citizen Character name(s): Lorette, XY4B2F, Felicius.
    crumchy and Ryanatorx like this.
  2. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    cool guy, a little bit obsessed with psionics but honestly a dedicated psionics grader would be pretty damn good for the team i feel

    unfortunately he's british but what can you do

    (gotta promote my fellow euros)
    Teldrassil likes this.
  3. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    a lil odd but he got the spirit

    cool guy who's smart and knows what he's talking about
    Teldrassil likes this.
  4. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    make him staff so he can be like parliament
    Teldrassil likes this.
  5. ThyShadowMaster

    ThyShadowMaster New Arrival

    Aug 20, 2017
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    My neighbor's dog barking non-stop since dawn definitely takes the cake. Like, seriously, can they not hear it or are they just immune to it by now?
  6. Shawnx17

    Shawnx17 Novakid main through and through Diamond Donator

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Teld would be such a boon to the staff team! They've handled every sorta spat they've ever been in that I've seen with grace and they're always interesting to rp with.
    Teldrassil likes this.
  7. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Teldrassil likes this.