The Hara System

Discussion in 'Notable Fringe Worlds' started by zecon125, May 20, 2024.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    - Hara -

    Hara, White Dwarf
    - Ø Small asteroid belt in very close proximity to its sun.
    - Ø ‘The Wreck’ (Immense spaceship graveyard orbiting star.)
    - Ø Hara Prime (Formerly habitable world, possessing ruins of previous colony attempts and battles.)
    - - Hara Station (Space station orbiting Hara Prime.)
    - Ø Hara II (Gas giant of little interest.)
    - - Ø Hara IIa-IIm (Many small and useless moons)
    Reachability: Open
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Station Name: Hara Station
    Environment: Tight and junky mechanical halls, deteriorating spaces that were once flourishing. Rusty server rooms.
    Resources: Spaceship remains.
    Population Size: ~2,600
    . . Two thousand and six hundred people have been labeled as residents of Hara Station. Most of them don’t get along. It is a disjointed melting pot of different cultural beliefs and stationary duties tied together mostly by the ultimate need to survive and their innate distrust of the outsider. You do not want to be known as a foreigner to Hara station, as it comes with immense scrutiny and distrust.
    . . Some have labeled the people here as racist or bigoted, and while to a minor part this is true, more broadly the station is self-interested and pragmatic. They look to the outsider and ask “What can you do for us?” and it is left to you to answer, or leave.
    . . All long term residents of this spacial salvage colony fulfill an important cultural or logistical role, and self-organize into loose ‘unions’, headed by ‘representatives’ and ‘negotiators.’ Their political system elects a ‘president’ every four months, who has ultimate choice in matters of the colony for the four months following. Presidents are known to be assassinated, lynched, or banished if they become too unpopular during their term.
    Backstory Permissions: Semi-Closed

    Out of Character Intentions:
    . . Hara Station’s codex has been made intentionally sparse. This is because the intended experience of a player is to get immersed in a dense foreign culture, which they can rise to prominence in through action and understanding.
    . . Additionally, Hara Station is intended to stay on a very small power scale. Being a prominent person in its walls, even being its president, is nowhere near the same level of prestige as being an elected senator of Haven or an Atlesian department head.