Merc turned Emperor; From Bandanas to Crowns

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Markus Aleksandr, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    General Information

    Name: Markus Aleksandr
    Age: 33
    Date of Birth: March 3rd.
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Nationality: Atlas
    Religion: Atheist
    Theme Music: Carpenter Brut - Hang'em All
    (Can be trusted as far as they can be thrown. Far, but not like crazy far.)
    Xexanoth (The Empire would have fallen without them.)
    Director Leu Trän (Status Unknown. Would try to pick up where they left off if they ever met again.)
    Clint Ardzasch
    (Relationship strained by The Great Work. Fields and subject-matters in which he trusts him are narrowing.)
    Esas (Status Unknown. Used to work well with them. It's unclear to him if they're even alive.)
    Shawn Rhodes (Status Unknown. A distant memory.)
    Vittoria D'Angelo
    (Their saving grace is that their motives are consistent and therefore predictable.)
    Rose Avalice (Non-zero chance they're Kill on Sight)

    Citizenship Status: Naturalized Citizen of the Atlas Empire
    Occupation: Emperor of the Atlas Empire.
    Skills: Combat Proficiency (Specializing in mid-ranged engagements), Scouting, Tactics. Diplomacy. Statecraft.
    Personality: Manipulator. ISTJ-A
    Phobias: Fear of loss and, by proxy, intimacy. Fear of losing identity and sense of self.
    Likes: Architecture. Computer Science.
    Dislikes: "Fringe Behavior"

    Physical Appearance

    Physical Description: Short, dark hair with sideburns and trimmed beard. Brown eyes. Broadly built; appears toned.
    Tech and Augments used: Templated from the Vagobot Mk III line. Later augmented for strength and durability. In combat, prefers the use of exosuits and power armor.
    Height: 6'1"
    Race: Synthetic Android
    Species: Converted from Human
    Gender: Appears Male

    "Bodyguard (Actual Appearance)"
    Backstory and More

    On-going Story:
    Having succeeded Lloyd as Emperor of the Atlas Empire, Markus has spent the past several years in​
    relative isolation and obscurity, showing his face(s) intermittently as diplomatic matters demand.

    Originally born with the name Christian Laubi, Markus was orphaned as a toddler (absentee father​
    and mother who fell to illness). At nine years of age, he was adopted by what the agency thought to be an eccentric philanthropist; in reality, he was the leader of a small-time mercenary group, looking for someone he could groom to become his successor. Receiving an informal education from old books and the ramblings of his nomadic, adoptive 'family', Markus learned the ins and outs of survival, tactics, and maintaining ships and weapons.
    By the time he came of age, and was finally ready to take all he had learned to the field, his​
    adoptive father, Garrion, took a large swath of their manpower and fleet on a contract to parts unknown in the Fringe: undoubtedly some wetwork for the USCM. Leaving what remained of his fleet in Markus' charge, Garrion was never seen or heard from again. Over the following years, what remained of the group disbanded under Markus' undeveloped leadership skills.
    As the years wore on, he took on small contracts for himself, either operating alone or as a​
    plus-one to another PMC. Eventually, he took on a contract from the USCM to track down an AWOL Lieutenant; a cold bounty that still had a hefty reward (likely never updated by their desk jockeys). The trail lead him out to the Fringe, where a freak accident crippled his ship; draining what money he had on repairs. With no way to find his mark or a way back home, he joined up with Atlas' Asset Protection department.

    He is presumed to have given up the chase on that AWOL Lieutenant.

    Throughout Markus' tenure with Atlas Corp, he was witness to a number of significant​
    events and changes: from the rise and fall of the New Basra Pact to the beginnings of Atlas' shift from multi-billion pixel robotics mogul to full-on Empire. To his recollection, his advancement from 'Asset Protection Personnel' to 'General of the ADF' was steeped in luck: far as he has figured, it was only ever because of his attendance and propensity for not getting shot that netted him his initial promotion to 'AP Officer' alongside one Shawn Rhodes, former High Atlas during the days of the Federation.

    It was during the days of leading AP that lead Markus to initiate, what he believes to be, the first​
    great stride in advancing Atlas' efficacy as a military force: unifying tactical focus through soft-link, virtual-reality training simulations. While the training provided was no challenge to most recruits who enlisted with Atlas, it helped convey a singular focus, allowing larger and larger groups of AP Personnel to become more cohesive. Incidentally, the development of these various virtual environments gave birth to a new passion project for Markus; the fruits of which are yet to be seen.

    During the height of the New Basra Pact, and by proxy the Shifter conflict on Haven,​
    Markus was inadvertently infected with the Shifter Virus from an incident involving the SOLUS Club. He was offered a choice: either rot away and become a shifter, retaining his consciousness, or voluntarily end his life and be reborn clean. This singular event, and the choice he made, inform his philosophy on consciousness and its purpose to an incredible degree; arguing that "whether (his) consciousness is actually (his), or a copy of (his former self), is irrelevant. This is what (they) would have done, given the choice." This thought process is what, eventually, convinced him to convert his consciousness to a synthetic core some months following the incident.

    Soon after his promotion to General of the renamed Atlas Defense Force, he became intimately​
    involved with Rose Avalice, daughter to one of the few remaining minds capable of replicating the works of Vago Kepp, Lange Avalice. It was during this period of time that he was offered the opportunity to convert his biological identity to a synthetic one. As Markus became more familiar with life as a synthetic, he started fiddling with his own emotional state: whether this was in response to his personal life or if it was purely for the benefit of his own knowledge and work, is a question that not even he is able to give a straight answer to.

    It was, however, this forced emotional-distancing that Markus had put himself through that added​
    yet-more strain to an already difficult relationship. The breaking point appeared to revolve around a certain digital aberration of Lange Avalice's corrupted and fragmented SI infecting Markus' peripheral systems. The resolution of this event included Markus and Rose's separation; the reasoning behind the separation is a topic he rarely comments on, preferring to not think about it when possible.

    Years later, following the Olympus Reclamation Initiative, Markus ran a successful campaign and,​
    however briefly, became a Haven Senator, only to be assassinated weeks later. Very few know the truth behind these events, but a backup of his consciousness would surface some time later, rejoining the fold of Atlas politics: though this time, succeeding Lloyd as Emperor through a series of events that are largely left classified. Since then, he has been persistently guarded by what is documented as a "Prototype ATL, at the insistence of Xexanoth."
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Rose isn't even a friend anymore, feelsbadman.
  3. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Shifted parts of on-going story to backstory, and fleshed out more in the latter.
    Ryanatorx and Pinkbat5 like this.
  4. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    More slapped-on updates. Changed likes and dislikes, brief catch-up snippet to their ongoing story. Updated relationships.
    Pinkbat5 and Ryanatorx like this.
  5. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Wow! I wonder what the 'Great Work' is? I'm sure this won't have consequences on the greater Fringe!