
Discussion in 'Notable Fringe Worlds' started by zecon125, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    - Cetera -
    Beacon - Main Sequence F Class Star
    - I Cota (Oceanic planet boiled in its proximity to Beacon.)
    - Ø Cota II (Metal-bearing rock.)
    - III Cetera (Polluted world. Acidic rain and smog suffocate the once-thriving ecosystem.)
    - - Ø Heaven’s Wall (Planetary rings orbiting Cetera.)
    - - Ø Apostle (Moon containing the Providence Lunar Colony.)
    - Ø Mirra (Earth-sized frozen planet.)
    Reachability: Open
    Slither and Cheffy like this.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Planet Name: Cetera
    Environment: Cetera is a formerly Earth-like world corrupted by dense pollution. The majority of its land masses have sunk into its ocean. The majority of this water is acidic. A dense smog clots the sky. Only the hardiest of its original ecosystem has survived.
    Resources: High abundance of both transition and precious metal.
    Population Size: ~10,000,000
    Settlements: Four major powers mark Cetera. They are The United Ceteran Republic, the Ospian Authority, the Straihelm People’s Front, and Ashen Spire.

    Ashen Spire is the name given to an autonomous AI overmind that has formed out of a warehouse sector in the Straihelm People’s Front. Since its creation, it has grown considerably. Currently comparable to a nation; it continually engages its neighbors in invasive wars.
    . . As expected, those within this territory are either cyborgs or machines. Many of them fall under the direct creation and control of the overmind, and have limited intelligence. It has allowed immigration from the other powers, provided they renounce their citizenship and submit to an invasive memory viewing.

    The Straihelm People’s Front was a former super power in the world before the creation of Ashen Spire by a machine minority in its borders. Currently, the micronation is the biggest victim of Ashen Spire’s hatred. Its government has almost totally collapsed in a strict and militant hierarchy to better deal with its situation.
    . . The Straihelm People’s Front was once a Human ethnostate, and remains majority Human. They have only recently begun allowing other species into their borders after it became clear they could not squash Ashen Spire alone.

    The United Ceteran Republic is a once-flourishing democracy. Currently, it is overburdened by the need for direct and immediate action against the threat before it. It continually lends aid to the Straihelm People’s Front. Its military has been given more and more autonomy with time, to better address the ongoing war.
    . . The most multicultural of Cetera, the UCR has as many humans in it as it does Hylotl, Floran, and Avian. It has a particularly large minority population of Frogg and Apex. Its culture is fashioned largely around consumerism and militance, owing to the collection of megacorporations that have embassies within their borders, as well as the growing popularity of their general.

    The Ospian Authority is an island-locked autocracy led by a currently unnamed figurehead. It has been largely silent on the Ashen Spire issue, focusing its budget towards internal matters instead. Even before the current disasters, it was known to be extremely isolationist.
    . . The Ospian Authority has high populations of Apex and Hylotl, with minorities existing from other castes in the planet. Their culture is based around a person’s usefulness to the state, with scaling levels of privilege based on your total labor output. Very few specifics are known due to its insular tendencies and lack of emigration, but what little has come out does not paint a bright picture.

    . . While they are not a nation on the planet, the Rainsmen are an ethnic group formed out of nomadic travelers and warriors who live almost exclusively in the uninhabitable parts of Cetera. Due to the nature of their paths, they wear bulky combat-capable voidsuits. They have been observed peacefully co-existing with Ashen Spire, as well as engaging in small skirmishes.

    Backstory Permissions: Semi-Closed
    Slither and Cheffy like this.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Planet Name: Apostle
    Environment: A largely barren moon orbiting above Heaven’s Wall, with a singular sprawling lunar colony built into it. The colony is named Providence.
    Resources: No natural resources of particular interest, but advanced technology is often manufactured here.
    Population Size: ~2,000,000
    Settlements: There is only one power on the moon, Providence.

    Providence is an advanced oligarchy led by Apostles, who are anointed by their leader, Provident Gaze. They are valuable trade partners to the planet below, buying up scrap metal won in battle in exchange for pixels and technology. Despite this, they do not seem to be particularly plussed about the ongoing war on their neighbor.
    . . Providence is a melting pot made up of hand-selected immigrants from the other nations, as well as sources outside the solar system. They have no one true ‘majority’, and try as best as possible to have equivalent numbers of every species within their borders. Despite the consistent religious naming, the people of Providence do not subscribe to any particular theology.

    Backstory Permissions: Semi-Closed
    Slither and Cheffy like this.