Silas Anthony Roberts

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Samwych, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Samwych

    Samwych New Arrival Bronze Donator

    May 11, 2020
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    General Information

    First name: Silas
    Middle name: Anthony
    Surname: Roberts
    Age: 20
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male (He/Him)
    Sexuality: Straight

    Traits of Voice: Slow. Paced, pausing between words occasionally, as if thinking carefully before speaking, like a slow run-down machine.

    Physical Appearance
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 145lbs
    Eye color: Brown
    Skin color: Tan
    Shape of face: Slender
    Distinguishing features: Droopy, heavily bagged eyes. Sun-kissed freckles across cheeks and nose.
    Build of body: Slender, Lanky. Stronger than he looks.
    Hair color: Muted Red
    Hair style: Long. Parted in the middle with two strands hanging down his face. Tied in the back into a ponytail.
    Posture: Slouched
    Typical clothing: Whatever he can toss on that day. Lazy, practical.
    Is seen by others as: Probably loitering. Strange. There's something off about this guy.



    Likes: Bugs, carbohydrates, video games, simple conversations.
    Dislikes: Hot weather, confrontation, birds, crowds, social gatherings.
    Education: Expelled from College.
    Fears: Losing it all, again.
    Personal goals: Survive.
    General intelligence: Specialized in certain areas of study (Entomology, Carpentry), but lacking significantly in other fields.
    General sociability: Bad. Don't put him in a room with strangers.

    Silas grew up as an only child in a divorced household. His parents split when he was 6, and has early memories of fights between his two parents. He never spoke much growing up, and had a fairly unremarkable demeanor. What did stand out, however, was his natural fondness for bugs and other small insects. He did attempt to share this fondness with other classmates in school. This was not received well.

    He would be bullied much throughout his childhood due to his strange hobbies and all-around 'weird' personality. He didn't speak much, he didn't eat equally as often, and preferred to keep to himself. He had a childhood crush that he carried with him through his life up until high school. He asked the girl, Cali James, to the upcoming dance, to which she laughed in his face and said 'Why?' He'd be bullied for this interaction among others.

    He played drums in marching band and was even in a band for part of his high school career. He would leave the band when he graduated high school and moved away for college.

    College was a breath of fresh air. Silas majored in Entomology and had finally found a place to belong. This would be short-lived, however, as Silas was found out stealing an ant specimen container and taking it home, among poor academic grades. He was expelled, but they were unable to recover the ant colony from Silas, due to him 'losing them'.

    He landed a job with a construction job as a blue-collar worker and has been working with them for a year. He's gained a decent amount of muscle from the work. He's just doing well enough to scrape by and survive. And that's all he needs.


    Peaceful or violent: Can be driven to violence if pushed hard enough. But generally prefers not to.
    Style of fighting: Like a teenage boy lashing out with his fists.


    Occupation: Construction Worker
    Favorite types of food: Snickerdoodle Cookies
    Favorite types of drink: Off-brand Cola
    Hobbies/past times: Video games, taking care of his bugs.
    Pet peeves: Sticky materials. He doesn't enjoy the feeling.
    Favorite colors: Red, black.
    Favorite type of music: Anything Weezer-Adjacent.
  2. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    no fucking way
  3. awesomebanana31

    awesomebanana31 New Arrival

    Jan 13, 2024
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    It’s him. John Ants
    Ryanatorx likes this.
  4. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    this is real as fuck and also true