Materials Anchorwood

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Anchorwood, Cuillead, Stabilizer Crystal

    Description: Anchorwood is an opaque midnight black crystalline material that is cool to the touch.

    Flux Insulator:
    Flux has an incredibly hard time interacting or passing through Anchorwood. Six inches being enough to completely halt almost all Flux generated by Psions.

    Cuil Insulator: When a sufficient amount of an area is contained by Anchorwood of at least six inches of thickness, the local ECF will no longer be able to interact with anything inside so long as only small gaps exist.

    Conditional Abilities:
    Psionic Dampener:
    While at least a pound of Anchorwood is in contact with a location near where a Psion produces Flux, Flux costs of all abilities are doubled.

    Anchorwood is very fragile. Hard impacts can fracture, or in extreme cases cause it to shatter entirely.

    ECF: Anchorwood, while being an excellent way of protecting from Cuils, does have its limits. Upon being exposed to a high enough ECF, Anchorwood rapidly collapses into dust as the physics it relies on no longer apply. Thicker quantities allow a higher ECF to be required before causing this breakdown. Twelve ECF is the highest that six inches of thickness can reach before breakdown, while sixteen ECF is the highest that one foot of thickness can reach. Going further than one foot has no effect on durability or max ECF.

    Conditional Limitations:
    Anchorwood has many uses and properties. However there are some circumstances where specifically its Cuil insulating abilities are ineffective. These situations are as follows.

    Anchorwood cannot be used in personal armor due to the flexibility that would be required for movement and its overall weight.

    Anchorwood cannot be used in starships due to the amount of breakup in the overall design. There are too many gaps in a starship for it to be able to protect any inhabitants and electronics.

    How does it work:
    When Anchorwood is in an area with a heightened ECF or near a source of Cuil Flux, it begins to have a chemical response which causes negative Cuils to be generated throughout itself.

    Flavor text:

    Anchorwoods were developed by the Ancient precursors in a time long past to act as a stabilizing influence on reality and to allow them to explore areas with a higher Cuil factor than standard. In the modern day, the material- and the trees it comes from, are incredibly rare and only found nearby long-abandoned Ancient structures.

    Referenced Technologies:

    Attainability: Semi-Closed (Anchorwood is a product of the tree it comes from, also aptly named Anchorwoods. This material is intended to be relatively rare, though is likely able to be found in some Ancient ruins.)

    Tags: [Industrial]

    Category: Materials
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  2. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First Pass
  3. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass!