Medical Mind-Piercer

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Ryanatorx, Oct 27, 2023.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Mind-Piercer
    AKA: Brainjack, Mind Fuck, Soul Scraper

    Description: A combination of drug cocktails and an invasive neural-link designed to apply to unwilling subjects that is used to access the mind-scape of another. In the language of the app, 'interloper' refers to the active user, while 'subject' refers to the one it is being used on.


    -Permit an interloper to invasively search the mind-scape of an (often unwilling) subject

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):

    -Inner thought is rarely defended, and most often will completely fold in the wake of outside influences

    -Two variants exist, one which gives the subject a euphoric sensation and one which gives them a deeply unpleasant, slightly horror-inducing pain. Which one is selected mostly depends on the intention and outlook of the interloper

    -Significantly cheaper and easier to deploy than the more powerful mind-scanner to buffer interrogation technique

    -Sadists and psychopaths have reduced risk as interlopers

    -Unless modified specifically not to, seals the attaching site injury after detaching


    -While useful as an interrogation tool, it is much messier than other methods. The interloper leaves some of their psyche behind in the mindscape of the subject, and they take some of the subject with them. This can result in extreme emotional reactions from both parties – though often not the same reaction. For instance, a particularly vindictive interloper examining a memory of a crime they find heinous might leave the interloper with the subject’s euphoria, and the subject with intense shame and sadness.

    -Navigation of a mind-scape is a complicated affair unto itself, and while the information pulled tends to be ‘true’, it is still bound by the belief and perception of the subject

    -((Exploring a mind-scape is it’s own little thing, DM’d by the subject player to display their character’s inner mindscape a la Psychonauts, Inception with a focus directed by the interloper))

    -The process of use generally takes several undisturbed minutes of use. Removal of the neural link (which is applied to the spine) needs to be done delicately, but can be done by third parties

    -Incorrect removal of the neural link can cause paralysis in the subject by damaging spinal connections

    -A subject is always aware of the hostile presence of the Interloper, and will remember what has been done to them

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):

    -Long-term use can cause significant psychological changes to interlopers spurred on by the psyches of their subjects. In places where mind-piercer is legal, there tend to be limits on use over short periods of time to reduce these effects

    -Cannot be used by or used on certain exotic life, such as Visitants

    -Doesn’t work on robots and mechanoids, but other, easier solutions exist to get the same effects on them

    -There are technological solutions which limit the utility of mind-piercer, such as Forget-Me-Not

    -It is possible to be trained to resist the direction of mind-piercer, though of dubious value. Generally, even a trained operative cannot withstand several dives into their mind without the aid of cyberware

    -Use on subjects with memory issues can be especially hazardous (dementia can leave a potent, though not permanent, mind-fog on the interloper)

    -Certain psions tend to have more proficient mental defenses, namely neuroinvaders and clairsentients. While most aren't designed to deal with this form of interrogation, they will pose a more difficult adversary in the mindscape. The interloper will go from an advantage to much closer to even footing.

    -If a psion has a specific defensive power against mind-reading technologies, this will trigger it, and may make the technique very dangerous for the interloper.

    How does it work:

    Utilizing complex drug cocktails and invasive neurological hard links that generally attach to the spine, mind-piercer links the ‘interloper’ to the ‘subject’, allowing the former to interrogate the mind of the latter directly. This generally provides significantly more honest and accurate testimony than standard interrogation, at the cost of the limitations above.

    Flavor text:

    Some machines are designed to hurt people from the initial conception. Mind-piercer is one such machine. As part of an interrogation arms-race, mind-piercer was the corporate nuclear option. Spies from a given company would often select suicide over mind-piercer – dying on the job warrants significant insurance benefits, while giving up company secrets is a fate worse than death.

    Despite being developed in secret by private entities, the use eventually reached governments, where it was – for a time – used by investigative services. Some places, such as the MiniKnog, still make use of these technologies. Most places which value (or at the very least claim to value) the rights of sapients have outlawed its use completely. It is considered a massive breach of basic privacy rights, even for the accused. Even places which care less about sapient rights tend to take evidence gathered with mind-piercer as circumstantial - convolution of fantasy and memory, and the habit of the two to not line up with reality, make it something any decent defense lawyer will get thrown out of court.

    In the Fringe, a wide variety of parties make use of mind-piercer for various purposes. Some even use it recreationally or therapeutically. Most uses, however, are either in an investigation or for something far more nefarious. Bank account details, identity theft, and many other dangers linger behind this machine – it is far easier to pull off a use of than a brain scan in the wild.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Forget Me Not, Memory Viewer mentioned

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Medical
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    After some questioning about how this plays around psionics, I slap on the first pass.
    Ryanatorx likes this.
  3. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass this is sick