Robotics Glitch Binding

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Glitch Binding, Glitch Familiar Binding, Beast Bonds, Nooradio Override

    The augmentation itself for Glitch Binding is a small rectangular addition to the nooradio that all Glitch (who have not had it removed) have attached to their neuromorphic processors (read, brains).

    When a Glitch lifeform is Bound with the augmentation, its optics take on the same color as the binder.

    Beast Binder:
    Glitch utilizing the augment can form a permanent link with a Glitch creature through physical contact. This allows the Glitch to perceive through their senses, control them, and put the creature into a tamed state. Typically the creature isn’t controlled and a binder isn’t able to perceive through their senses without focus, instead continuing to act like a creature, albeit a tamed and affectionate one.

    Conditional Abilities:

    Doomlord Processing: Since they have superior processing power to standard Glitch, Doomlords can forge links with more Glitch creatures, up to a maximum of five.

    Glitch Requirement:
    The augmentation of Binding is exclusive to Glitch, it can’t be added to other robots or species.

    Nooradio Requirement: Binding can only work if a Glitch creature has a nooradio, typically, this is on all Glitch life.

    Processing: Binding a Glitch creature adds mental and physical strain to the processor of the Binder, causing them to only be able to bind a single creature.

    Lifelong Bond: The link created between the Binder and a creature is permanent, unless one of the pair is killed. In the case of the creature, the Binder suffers a brief moment of mental shock but is then able to bind another creature they encounter. In the case of the Binder, all creatures that were bound to them suffer the same mental shock, but then return to their normal behavior. This mental shock lasts five seconds (one CRP turn, and is a daze where their body simply doesn’t respond to the mind’s commands, and a general moment of mental pain.

    Binding Time: The formation of the link between a Binder and a creature is not an instant process, instead requiring around thirty seconds of constant contact (six CRP turns) before the binding is complete.

    Conditional Limitations:

    Immunity: Sapient Glitch life is immune to being bound, this includes but is not limited to, Gorgons and actual Glitch.

    How does it work:
    Glitch Binding operates utilizing the connection that’s found between nooradios in Glitch life, the augmentation attached to the nooradio sending an advanced override command to a creature’s nooradio that the Binder is in contact with which causes a forced tamed and affectionate state, while also allowing the transfer of sensory information via the same nooradio connection.

    Flavor text:

    "Azyrithos! Ferranos! Cogswing! Spocketev! I call upon you! Burn my foes as you fly on wings of metal!"

    Glitch Binding has existed for as long as Glitch life has, primarily used by wizards, shamans, warlocks and other 'magical' Glitch to acquire familiars for their practices. Though Doomlords have been noted to use the technology, a notable example was the binding of several Glitch dragons on the world of Carrakk. In modern day, Glitch Binding is used much the same, though there are more restrictions on it in civilized sectors to prevent animal cruelty, this doesn't stop most in the Fringe- who rampantly use it on all varieties of Glitch life to create bonds, tame creatures that otherwise would be incredibly hostile, or just to acquire a new weapon to use against their enemies.

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I see no issues here. First Pass.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Second pass.