Nanotechnology N.M.P

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Nanite Molecular Printing, N.M.P, Builder Swarms, Constructo-bots

    N.M.P devices are a two part system. The device itself is a large, dumpster-sized block of advanced machinery covered in vents and small ports for the second part of the system to traverse through. A large slow is present at the front for material input.

    The second part of an N.M.P device is its massive silver-blue nanomachine swarm, which is released through ports with the requisite materials to build whatever is ordered.

    N.M.P can be used to construct virtually anything that doesn't involve complex technology such as quantum technology or some metamaterials.

    N.M.P operates at considerably higher speeds than would be possible otherwise with manual labor for the tasks it can complete.

    Conditional Abilities:
    Liquids don't impair N.M.P outside of acid and lava, allowing construction underwater or in fluids that would otherwise be hazardous for organic interaction.

    If there is an obstruction in the way of an N.M.P construction order, the nanite swarm will rapidly deconstruct whatever it may be and deposit the remains in a separate storage device within the main device.

    N.M.P is incredibly expensive to utilize. Not only in the cost of creating the devices and the nanite swarm, but in the cost of whatever it is constructing as the only fuel they accept is Pixels or something similar due to their inherent material qualities. This does however give anything it makes a 'standardized cost'. N.M.P cannot function without pixels as fuel, but can begin construction without the full cost present.

    N.M.P devices are incredibly heavy, requiring a large vehicle to transport such as a flatbed truck.

    N.M.P requires an ENDI blueprint in order to properly construct something. Otherwise, it can cause major issues and often create unstable final results.

    N.M.P cannot self-replicate. Skilled labor being required program and build the devices themselves, and the nanites cannot construct other nanites in an effort to prevent a grey goo scenario.

    Conditional Limitations:

    Electromagnetic pulses interfere with N.M.P, though not to the same extend as other nanotechnology. Instead of being shut down, the construction speed of N.M.P is slowed to a crawl for around half an hour.

    How does it work:
    N.M.P functions in the same manner as typical molecular printing, albeit utilizing large nanite swarms in storage capsules to rapidly construct a given objective rather than typical methods. Once a suitable amount of pixels is input, the storage unit seals and deploys the swarm to take apart the material, before releasing it from the various ports to the targeted position to begin rapid construction.

    Flavor text:
    N.M.P has existed for around two centuries by 3290, and is used primarily in civ-space nations due to their near post-scarcity nature. This can allow colonies to be built in a manner of months instead of years when funded by a proper government. In recent times, various nations of the Fringe have begun utilizing N.M.P despite its cost to help facilitate the need for expansion and rebuilding after the large conflicts that often take place.

    Referenced Technologies:



    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
    Teldrassil likes this.
  2. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Looks clean and simple! It's nice to see an expansion on Pixel-printing and manufacturing lore, especially since it's a big part of Starbound, but doesn't show up much in writing. First Pass.
    Cheffy likes this.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Second pass. Cool nanites :)
    Cheffy likes this.