Melee Armaments ZPDF Weaponry

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Zero-Point Displacement Field Weaponry, Cryo-Arms, Ice Hammers

    While the designs of ZPDF weapons may vary, they all consistently use Cerulium metal as a base material, with Ferozium or other highly-insulating materials built into the handle/grips. A DE battery is typically built into the pommel or component furthest from the head of the weapon, as well as a heat sink built into the shaft of the weapon itself. The inside of the head of the weapon contains the heart of this technology- the Zero-Point Displacer or ZPDF emitter.

    One can expect these to appear as war-hammers, maces, mauls, and other forms of blunt instruments, as long as they are made of cerulium and have a head with a volume greater than that of a baseball.

    • When these weapons strike an object, a small area around the head of the weapon is sapped of its thermal energy, flash-freezing into sub-zero temperatures. This field tends to extend around six inches away from the head of the device, and as it passes through material the effect lessens in effectiveness, proportionate to the thermal conductivity of the materials.
    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    • Exceedingly effective on materials with high thermal conductivity, penetrating deeply.
    • The effective lowest temperature this weapon can reduce materials to is a burning cold -100C for metals, and a -50C for organic materials.
    • These weapons are invariably limited to blunt arms. This is because blades or piercing weapons would become too brittle and shatter when activated.
    • These weapons tend to be a little lighter than their standard counterparts, given that cerulium is not the most dense of metals, and therefore their impact is a little lessened.
    • Repeated use causes heat to build up in the heat-sink. Exceeding 8 strikes in a single encounter may melt the heat-sink, and a user must eject and replace the heat-sink before this happens.
      • If this limit is exceeded, the heat-sink will melt and break internal mechanisms of the weapon, rendering it inert until repaired.
    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • These weapons tend to fracture or break if struck against something sturdy enough to remain unphased. It can shatter thin durasteel but even thick enough ferozium can test the amount of stress these weapons can handle.
    • The ZPDF field has difficulty penetrating materials with very little thermal conductivity. Ferozium can protect a would-be victim, even if it is broken by the strike itself, as well as thick, insulating clothing or voidsuits.
    • An EMP, shockingly, does not break the ZPDF emitter as it is encased in cerulium. The battery however, will need replaced.
    How does it work:
    A ZPDF emitter is built into the head of the weapon, using the same Casimir Effect that ZPEM employs in order to alter the energy state of its surroundings. Unlike ZPEM tractor beams however, the ZPDF uses this effect to rob nearby atomic matter of its kinetic (in effect, thermal) energy, outputting this energy into a heat-sink built below the emitter. This whole transaction is powered by a Dense Electron (DE) battery built into the handle of the weapon, or otherwise far from the reach of the emitter.

    The choice of cerulium in the make of these weapons is because the metal is fairly resistant to stress or changes caused by extremely low temperatures, allowing it to be much colder while at the same time not readily becoming as brittle as other metals.

    Flavor text:
    Invented by some independent glitch kingdoms before their assimilation into the Black Empire, the exact origin of this technology is unclear. However, its backwards and particularly brutal means of freezing victims and shattering limbs in one strike has made it popular as a collector's item in civspace, or as noble's weapons on the field of battle in various Fringe kingdoms belonging to glitch and other races alike.

    Even today, these weapons are trickling onto the streets of various Fringe powers, if for no other reason than 'they are cool' and 'dude did you see his arm, it fucking exploded!'

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): The ZPEM lore.

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Melee Armaments

    I do not apologize for any aneurysm that may result from reading this heinous tech app.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2023
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    While I'm not the most scientifically minded staff member, the balance on this seems to check out- At least when compared to something like a Solus Blade.

    I do have to ask for clarification; Does the flash freezing effect only happen when the weapon is swung, or is it an idle process that happens around it at all time?

    In either case, First Pass but don't think I won't try and make a cyro-sword at one point, bad idea or not!
    Khaos likes this.
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Specifically when striking an object. It does not occur with a simple touch or light bump, and needs to be hit with a decent amount of force. That said, do not drop one on your foot.
    zecon125 likes this.
  4. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    second pass