Robotics Archmagos Vents

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Mir, Jul 3, 2023.

  1. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Name: Archmagos Vents

    Description: Archmagos Vents are, well, vents along the glitch's torso, which are meant to feed a far greater amount of air into their elemental emitters by rapidly sucking it in. Among hiveminded glitch, the vents often look like Runes or Sigils scrawled across their body.

    Inherited Strengths:
    The Archmagos Vents share all of the abilities of the Elemental Hand Emitters that they support.
    Range: While the typical range of the Elemental Hand Emitter is around 2-3 meters, the drastically increased airflow from the Archmagos Vents enables the glitch to fling their elemental "magic" far further from themselves, able to reach top-ranges of 10 meters, however they'll really only be at their max effectiveness up to 8 meters.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    While the Archmagos Vents were built into the glitch to support their Elemental Hand Emitters, the emitters are still usable without activating the Archmagos Vents. This will, however, reduce them to their standard effectiveness.

    Inherited Limitations:
    The Archmagos Vents share all of the weaknesses of the Elemental Hand Emitters that they support.
    Mobility: Due to the large amount of air being sucked towards them, and possibly blown away from them based on their elemental affinity, the glitch is unable to move while "casting" in such a way, needing to firmly plant their feet to prevent being knocked over.
    Covering: The Archmagos Vents, needing access to large supplies of air, are unable to function if the glitch is wearing armor on their chest, as the armor would cover their vents. Long, flowing robes made of highly breathable fabric are recommended unless one forgoes a shirt entirely.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    Power Draw:
    The Archmagos Vents draw on the glitch's internal battery to a greater degree than the Elemental Hand Emitters themselves do. Some mages have even needed to be dragged off of the field of battle by their allies because they drained so much of their own battery they couldn't walk anymore.
    Air is Necessary: The Archmagos vents are useless both underwater, and in airless environs.

    How does it work: One of the greatest limitations on the distance that a glitch can "cast" at with the Elemental Hand Emitters is the amount of space dedicated to their "magecraft." The Archmagos Vents add additional vents to the glitch's torso, feeding the air through channels towards an extra set of emitters that's installed in their arms. By adding additional air to the system, as well as extra emitters, the glitch can cast further, however all the extra air being drawn towards them, as well as the energy consumption of an extra set of emitters, means that this enhanced casting can only be conducted while stationary.

    Flavor text: While the base emitters are installed in a hive minded glitch from birth, Archmagos Vents are actually added later in life. In the case of hiveminded glitch, this is normally a ceremony known as "Ascension" conducted on a particularly talented mage to elevate their casting to a higher level, in the hopes that they can protect the village/hamlet/kingdom better. Glitch with these vents installed are called Archmagos by other hiveminded glitch. Archmagos will often times find themselves in positions of power within their kingdoms, such as being court wizards for doomlords.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Glitch-Based Elemental Magic Hand Emitters

    Attainability: Semi-Closed (Must be a glitch who also has the Elemental Hand Emitters)

    Tags: Military. Racial.

    Category: Robotics
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
    Khaos likes this.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello! Technically by our current lore, Glitch no longer function in a way compatible with this application, or Glitch-Based Elemental Magic Hand Emitters. However, the old style of Glitch can still work in the setting and I intend to re-introduce that lore in the near future.

    All this to say; First Pass! I see no issues!
  3. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass! No issues here either, moving to approved.