Materials Pyrin

Discussion in 'Approved' started by nenin, Mar 12, 2023.

  1. nenin

    nenin New Arrival

    Apr 11, 2021
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    Pyrin, Flashmetal, Spark, Cutting Metal, Worldblood, Shit Aegisalt
    A rare material found in patches of orange-pink crystalline filaments, pyrin is a sub-aegisalt stellar metal found scarcely scattered on the surface of cold-core planets. Incredibly light and near-translucent when untreated, the small, dusty shards of raw pyrin blow upon the wind with even a touch; breathing them in is not recommended due to their innate sharpness. However, despite their thin crystalline formations, pyrin is often quite flexible due to its internal structure of overlapping, interlocking sheets of crystal and its somewhat porous nature. On top of these qualities, pyrin is only barely stable at above 650 degrees; heating it for any amount of time often results in flash combustion, each filament fizzling out in a spark of light. This produces a huge amount of heat in a very short period of time, leaving only sparks and a puff of smoke where the material used to be.

    In its raw form, pyrin isn’t particularly useful outside of its’ ability to combust, but, even then, such a reaction is often too volatile to capture efficiently. However, when threaded with its’ brother aegisalt and weaved into nanofilaments, pyrin can become an incredibly tough, sharp, and nearly clear material capable of forming wires capable of spanning large distances. This makes it well suited to military and security applications, forming hard to detect barriers that are wont to cut a man in two should they carelessly walk into it. This wiring can also be easily cleaned up through heat, thankfully, but it still remains a threat for the careless. In its raw form, pyrin is also sometimes used for incendiary weapons, coating an area in flammable dust that can then flash-clear, singe, and cut most things inside of it.

    There may be more applications, but further research is required.

    -Capable of being used in short-lasting incendiary weapons to great effect.

    -Though thin, untreated pyrin fibers behave unusually for crystalline structures and can be easily bent.

    Easily Cleaned
    -Just burn it!

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    Treated Expertise
    -Once treated and weaved with aegisalt, the fibers become incredibly sharp, making for good defenses and other such military applications.

    Clean Cuts
    -Though paper thin, pyrin has developed a reputation for being ‘durable’. This reputation isn’t entirely unwarranted; materials attempting to cut through it will often be sliced to ribbons with little to no resistance, making breaking the wires by hand a difficult task. However, stronger materials such as impervium will still break the wires, though it may be damaged after.

    -pyrin, once treated, is able to cut through most metals easily. Stronger metals may only be scored instead, but pyrin itself acts much like a mono-edged blade. Generally, due to the addition of more material, raw pyrin is sharper than its processed version.

    -When woven with tiny aegisalt filaments, pyrin wire inherits the radar-cloaking ability of its brother. Why one would want to make a plane out of such a thing is unknown, but it does make it slightly harder to tell where the stuff is.

    -Once you know it’s there, any thermal weapon can easily take care of it.

    -Finding pyrin is somewhat hard given its rarity and exclusivity to the crust of colder-core planets.

    Hard to Collect
    -Made up of filaments scattered over the surface of cold-core planets, raw pyrin can be hard to gather due to the specialized machinery used to mop it up from the ground. In addition, it can be quite hard to locate fibers due to their clear nature, though cuts or punctures in one’s boots are a surefire way to know you’ve walked into a patch.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    -pyrin wire must be made from specialized machines that, though not entirely expensive on their own, are rare due to a lack of research on the material; in addition, most of these manufacturing plants are confined to civspace. Finding a machine is hard, but manufacturing a cord-winding plant could be harder.

    How does it work:
    In its’ natural environment, pyrin is generally ejected from volcanoes on worlds with dying cores in their last, spectacular explosions. In the crucibles of these volcanoes, aegisalt is often mixed with impurities and tumbled into pieces, stretching out into new, glassy strands as they float through the air. Inside of these strands, overlapping pieces of aegisalt mix with porous pockets, forming an easily bendable crystalline structure. Life upon these planets, should there be any, know to stay far away from the dangerous glass as it settles.

    True to its nature as a relative to the stronger aegisalt, pyrin takes the detriments of the former to an extreme; it has a high thermal conductivity, high electrical conductivity, a very low ignition point, and an incredible resistance to acids. Its’ durability is very low, density very low, and its price (if one can even find elsewhere outside of civspace to buy from) often averages in the range of .5 to 1 pixel per cubic inch of untreated material and .25 to 2 pixels per inch of wire. It is slightly more durable when wound with aegisalt.

    Flavor text:
    Found in the year 3228 on the world Laigen-4918 by a Novakid trade caravan, pyrin was first used as a rather hazardous spice for novakid foods; with time, though, it began to spread in these circles, bringing it to two always present crowds: the governments and the scientists. From here, the rest is history.

    In recent years, the Ascended found it somewhat of an obstacle in the guerilla skirmishes away from Haven; after all, the demand for weapons capable of fortifying an area and taking care of endless hordes of Husks was rising, and pyrin wire could do both. Originally smuggled out from hylotl space by sympathetic agents (and looters), several battlefields in the Fringe found it employed to great effect in place of classic razor wire or more energy intensive lasergrids. Though most of these battles were eventually lost, it maintained a reputation as a fearsome weapon against shock troops. Some of these former battlefields still struggle to repair the damage wrought by leftover wire, but salvage of the wire remains a somewhat lucrative effort for those looking to get into the war business.

    Attainability: Semi-Closed. Just message me before you use it!

    Tags: Military.

    Category: Materials.
    zirconzz and Ryanatorx like this.
  2. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Sorry this took so long! Approved.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass.