The Fringe's Most Eligible Bachelors

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZachChase, Sep 12, 2022.

  1. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Come one, come all, bring your boys to the yard.

    I'm here to find out which male Fringe residents are on the dating market.

    So go ahead! Post a picture of your boy, tell us a little bit about them. Give a guess as to how desirable they might be if you'd like!
    ...and maybe after enough submissions we'll do a vote.


    Anyway here are my bachelors.

    (art by me)
    First off we have Chalk- there's a few who may already have their eyes on this colorful Floran. Though he comes with some red flags, having recently fallen out of a marriage. Chalk is a sweetheart artist who's extremely bad with money and can be easily won over with food.

    (art by @TrIpTiCuS )
    My other bachelor is Saoi, he's a tiny gay Naian who was raised in a traveling circus. Saoi has gone to college and has a degree in engineering, he built his own mech and has participated in mech fights. Currently he is a v-tuber and a total gamer. He's sensitive about his looks, especially the size of his horns.

    Also he's literally fought pants.​
    Yz2 likes this.
  2. Samwych

    Samwych New Arrival Bronze Donator

    May 11, 2020
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    gill (he is gay)
    crumchy likes this.
  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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  4. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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  5. Occultatum

    Occultatum New Arrival

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Art by Me​
    Hiram Moses Lee the Third is one of the Fringe's newer residents, though he's actually quite well acclimated to life in the often bizarre and paradoxical region of space. Strong, loyal, brave, he best falls under the archetype of a rugged individualist who shuns large organizations and governments in favor of 'living Life by his own measure', perhaps akin to Theodore Roosevelt or to a much lesser extent Audie Murphy. Raised among Astro-Miners, Hiram has a keen mind when it comes to technology and mechanical principles, which he has since turned into the steadily growing Heritage Arms company, which among other things specializes in developing weapons with a 'Classic Aesthetic'. It should come as no surprise that he's quite well read on military history as far as Earth is concerned, though whether his knowledge of such things is limited only to the pages of books is another story.

    While friendly and outgoing, Hiram is also a deeply personal fellow, and he's reluctant to let people into his circle of trust. The Fringe in many ways has made this tendency more apparent, as the fact that many things aren't what they seem has been a difficult lesson to learn. All the same, those few who have earned his trust, and you know who you are, can generally rely on him backing them to the gates of hell and back, with very limited exception.​
    Pinkbat5 likes this.