Genetic Grab Resistance Actualizing Spine System (GRASS)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Ryanatorx, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Grab Resistance Actualizing Spine System (GRASS)

    Description: Grass is a series of hard telescoping bone spines two feet in length that eject from the back from six separate membranes, three on each side of the spine, equally spaced vertically, with a metal tip. When they are retracted, the only appearance is a differing texture associated with other Chemical Core implant membranes. Also includes an additional brain structure (if applicable) and a gas gland installed to allow expansion.

    -Stab people who are directly behind you, especially if they are grappling you
    -Pull the spines back in, reusable
    -Release the spines in someone or something if needed
    -Extension of spines is very quick thanks to swift gas injection, and can occur with no warning
    -Muscles are used to retract spines back swiftly (6 seconds, 1 combat round)

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    -The spines have impervium tips, which let them tear through soft armor and flesh with ease
    -Impervium tips can be detached and reattached, leaving only bone. This has less 'punch' in regards to armor, but can still easily kill an unarmored person and get through spaceport security. This is generally cumbersome to do and cannot effectively be done in combat time spans without assistance
    -If spines are extended, then enough gas is gathered to extend again (18 seconds, 3 turns), the spines can be shot out instead of simply released, launching with a 12 meter effective range (though, because it is on the back, it is inherently difficult to aim)

    -Spines must be replaced if damaged or released
    -Gas glands require time to refill (18 seconds, 3 combat rounds) which can prevent easy repeated stabbings of a grappler

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    -Spines and cavities must be cleaned manually of blood and viscera
    -The telescoping system results in a weaker spike than other Chemical Core spike implants, such as Bulwark or Spike. If it contacts hardened armor plates, the spine will instead push the victim and the user away from each other violently.
    -All spines must extend, retract, and detach together
    -If electrocuted (such as by a taser), it is possible that muscle spasms may involuntarily trigger the spines extending or launching by releasing the gas gland

    How does it work:
    As with many chemical core implants, GRASS comes with a small organic brain implant to allow instinctive control of the new structure.

    A series of six 'spine ports' are installed along the back of the user, which can be fitted with 'spine pods' sold by the manufacturer. Along with the port installation, an additional gas gland is fitted to provide the 'fuel' for spine extension.

    The spines themselves are stored in as two-inch thick plate-like structures stored inside the spine ports. When extended, the disc pulls together and sharply extend the spine out to the full two-foot length. While significantly more fragile than other bone-related structures, extra length and storage are considered worthwhile in the trade-off.

    Due to the fragility and detatchability of the spines, additional spines are sold separately.

    Flavor text:

    I think you would look noble.

    In another stunning move from Chemical Core, the latest in a range of bio-modding implants has hit the market! GRASS is a defensive implant designed to prevent grappling and kidnapping in a wide variety of situations. Perfect for the VIP on the go, the hunter concerned about becoming prey, or just someone packing as many weapons into their body as they can! Schedule your installation today, only at Chemical Core! Replacement spines sold separately.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Bulwark Bolt, SPIKE

    Attainability: Semi-closed (only sold by Chemical Core)

    Tags: Military

    Category: Genetic

    Edit 9/6/2022: Impervium tips can be attached and detached.

    Edit 10/1/2022: Added a conditional limitation about being electrocuted
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
    Khaos and Yz2 like this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    First pass.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Second pass.