CRT Companion Orbs

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by Khaos, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Originally posted by /profile/10-deleted/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="10" href="/profile/10-deleted/">@Deleted

    [Small, circular drones that vary in abilities.]

    [Finished the Companion Orbs, feel free to grade now!]

    Name of Aug/Tech: Companion Orbs MK1 (Or COs/Companion Orbs/Orbs)

    Description: Small circular drones that vary in abilities, they have membrane auras that normally form a basis to what their abilities are. A more full set of descriptions will be given in each Companion Orb's profile, mentioned at the bottom of the app.

    History of Aug/Tech: After development of small animals, CRT decided to start developing Companion Orbs, which can perform many different tasks for their user, although most are simple.

    How does it work?: They follow the user by tracking the user down, using a small tracking device linked to the drone through encrypted and private signals. They float using magnetic currents normally, although if that fails, a back up(Although less energy efficient), wind float mode will activate keeping it in the air. Certain drones have ground mode. Auras are generated by plasma with membranes, slime, synthetic goos, or other mushy - yet controllable - substances.

    Intended use: Their intended uses will be mention in each profile for each Companion Orb. The overall use? To make specified tasks easier for the user.


     - Some can carry stuff and complete tasks, one even helps with combat(Although is pretty terrible at it.)


     - Easily shot down, punched down, destroyed, etc.

     - Have up to a days power when operating normally, although cut in half when using their back up mode.

     - Multiple Companion Orbs following one target will disable all of the Companion Orbs. The reason this is, is because their path-finding to a target will cause them to collide with other Orbs.

     - When an orb collides with another orb, the frequencies interfere causing an EMP effect between the two.

    How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: Add cute little orbs that follow the user around and help them with technological tasks.

    Attainability: Open, you can buy them

    Tags: [Civilian]


    Slime Orb:

    Strength: Carries objects, sticks to targets.

    Intended use: Carry objects for the user.

    Description: Green metal core with three red eyes, has a green slime aura that sticks to objects.

    Weakness: While carrying an object with weight equivalent to a larger gun, like a modern M4, it's power is halved. The more weight of objects it carries, the quicker the power depletes.



    "I'm going to let my burdens go, I am going to have faith that you will hold them for me."

    Peace Orb:

    Strength: Releases a gas that generally makes anyone in the area more social and friendly! [​IMG] (It wears off after 10 minutes.)

    Intended use: Peace for everyone!

    Description: Green metal core with three red eyes, has a green, pink, and golden-ish plasma(with membrane) aura that forms a flower.

    Weakness: Only 12 hours of power on standard. Gas doesn't work on Synths, glitches, androids, etc. The gas is suggestive and with moderate will power, can be completely ignored. If another gas-releasing orb is in the area, and both affecting one person, they are both nullified.



    Alternate Skins:


    "Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and must be taken one step at a time. Or, for the easy way out, just keep this guy."

    Artistic Orb:

    Strength: Releases a gas that generally makes anyone in the area more creative and artist! [​IMG] (It wears off after an hour.)

    Intended use: Creative ideas for everyone!

    Description: Pink metal core that has a pink stripe through the middle, three golden eyes. Has a blue and pink intertwined plasma(with membrane) aura.

    Weakness: Only 12 hours of power on standard. If another gas-releasing orb is in the area, and both affecting one person, they are both nullified.



    "The Earth without art is just 'Eh'."

    Lantern Orb:

    Strength: Creates a bright light that can light up an entire room as if it were out in the sun! (Although, it has a green tint to it.) Can roll instead of float to double power time.

    Intended use: Never lose sight again!

    Description: Green metal core with three golden eyes surrounded by a bluish clouring. Tight green plasma(with membrane) aura that glows.

    Weakness: When damaged, it explodes and leaks radiation.



    "Give light, and people will find their way."

    Helper Orb:

    Strength: Can carry objects, and play sports. (By carrying his objects, I mean he actually holds stuff, instead of it sticking to him, so it's exactly like a third hand.)

    Intended use: Have a friend, when you don't... It can also be a third hand!

    Description: A tiny red metal core with three green eyes surrounded by golden bands. Has a red plasma(with membrane) aura that forms the shape of a hand.

    Weakness: 12 hours power, brought down much easier than others.



    Alternate skins:


    "You have two hands, one to help yourself, one to help others. Wait, you have three? Oh... shit..."

    Grey Matter Orb:

    Strength: Has it's own pacifist sentience, very intelligent.

    Intended use: Don't know something? Not with this buddy!

    Description: A brain with a pink box-ish plasma(with membrane) aura around it.

    Weakness: It can't be rebooted if it runs out of power or is EMPed, it starts to give false facts if it's user does 'bad' things around it.



    Alternate skins:



    "It's not the lie that bothers me. It's the insult to my intelligence that does."

    Instigation Orb:

    Strength: Releases a gas that makes people mad and unreasonable. (Wears off after 20 minutes.)

    Intended use: Let's start fights, and make it seem like /you/ were the good guy!

    Description: A grey metal core with three red eyes and a greyish moving plasma(with membrane) aura.

    Weakness: It's owner is also affected by the gas, and reduces the thought to replace the drone. Gas doesn't work on Synths, glitches, androids, etc. The gas is suggestive and with moderate will power, can be completely ignored. Reduces standard power to 12 hours. If another gas-releasing orb is in the area, and both affecting one person, they are both nullified.



    "Fill the gaps between facts with fear and insecurity."

    Airhead Orb:

    Strength: Provides comedic release for stressed out people. It constantly makes jokes.

    Intended use: Make stressed people less stressed.

    Description: A cyan metal core with purple eyes surrounded by golden lacing, cyan and black plasma(with membrane) aura that shapes into a balloon.

    Weakness: It's aura is easily popped, and when it is, the machine explodes. It's a small explosion, that would hardly damage anything but the robot itself, well, unless you're right in front of it.



    Alternate Skins:


    "We are each the star of our own situation comedy, and with luck, the screwball friend in somebody else's."

    Praising Orb:

    Strength: Praises the user, fueling their ego. Actually orbits the user.

    Intended use: Boost the user's ego, for shy people.

    Description: A red metal core with golden eyes surrounded by purple lacing. Brown plasma(with membrane) aura that shapes a ringed planet.

    Weakness: It will abandon the use if they request too much praise.



    "What you praise you increase."

    Shrooms Orb:

    Strength: Gives out drugs to the users and releases gasses to make them more accepting of drugs.

    Intended use: A black market drug dealing orb. This orb is a black market orb, and is illegal.

    Description: A cyan orb with a shroom-like face and a plasma(with membrane) aura that has multiple mushrooms branching off of it.

    Weakness: It can only carry a small amount of drugs. Gas doesn't work on Synths, glitches, androids, etc. The gas is suggestive and with moderate will power, can be completely ignored(Unless under the influence of drugs or alcohol). Reduces standard power to 12 hours. If another gas-releasing orb is in the area, and both affecting one person, they are both nullified.



    "You can't buy happiness, but you can buy drugs, and that's kinda the same thing."

    Fireball Orb:

    Strength: Investigates, profiles, and memorizes the firepower of a target, it can then duplicate or figure out the weakness of said firepower/target.

    Intended use: Knowing your enemies.

    Description: A red and gold core with a firey plasma(No membrane) aura.

    Weakness: It's not discreet at all, it can damage weapons while investigating them. The damage normally adds up to singes, or at most, very rarely, lights the object on fire.



    "Nothing matters but the facts."

    EMP Orb:

    Strength: EMP proof, EMPs other Orbs/objects.

    Intended use: Disable electronics.

    Description: A purple core, green eyed orb with a purple synthetic goo aura.

    Weakness: More vulnerable to non-EMP attacks.



    "We all feel disabled in some way, why not make it worse?"

    Bomb Orb:


    Strength: Explodes, bigger than a grenade. Hacks teleporter parameters temporarily, allowing the bomb orb on the planet.

    Intended use: Sneaking explosives into a planet. A black market orb.

    Description: A bomb core with an orange aura.

    Weakness: It's black market, and obviously a bomb. It takes 10 IC minutes to hack the teleporters.



    "Terrorism is the act of demanding the impossible, and at gunpoint."

    Communications Orb:

    Strength: Never lose touch with anyone!

    Intended use: Basically a social media bot.

    Description: A ufo-looking orb.

    Weakness: It has terrible reception and audio quality.



    "I regret leaving my phone in the air so it follows me when I want to lose it."

    Creator's Orb:

    Strength: Extremely intelligent, sentient, and EMP resistant.

    Intended use: A Intelligence Orb, with a custom skin and EMP resistance for the creator's of the orbs. It is less likely to become untrusting.

    Description: A cyan metal core with blue fires.

    Weakness: It can't be rebooted if it runs out of power or is EMPed, it starts to give false facts if it's user does 'bad' things around it. If an EMP is detonated within 2 feet of it, it's EMP resistance can't handle it.



    "It's not the lie that bothers me. It's the insult to my creation's intelligence that does."

    Roller Orb:

    Strength: Only rolls, doubling overall power. Completes basic commands and comes with their own "personality" like a pet.

    Intended use: To be more of a pet than the others, lasting two days before it needs a charge.

    Description: A small white metal core with a yellow aura trails.

    Weakness: Can't fly, hard to roll up slanted surfaces, can't go up stairs without being picked up.



    Alternate Skins:


    "A house is not a home without a Roller Orb."
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Deferred: Redundant technology. Can be done via drones and so on.
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Who made these? These are cute. Anyway, moved to deferred because we have a deferred section now