
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ((All photos are IC and exist in-universe as well.))

    Name: Cursers, Mousez, Triangles, Artifacts. No scientific name, but has been dubbed Triangulum Phantasma in speculative zoology circles.

    One such organism photographed in the Rendera district of Haven.

    Description: Triangulum Phantasma is an incredibly odd organism, which has only appeared in photographs and other physical recordings. It most commonly takes the form of a red, triangular entity. There have been sightings of a less-common white-hued variety, and various one-off colors, but the majority of photographs depict red ones. Nearly all information on them remains speculative to this day.

    Cursers are completely intangible and imperceivable up until a photograph is taken, whereupon there is a possibility of them imprinting themselves on the image. No specimens have been physically sighted, even with devices meant to record colours beyond the human range of sight, or detect phase matter. The failure of even phase-matter detection to locate them implies that their forms are composed from an alternate meta-material with as-of-yet unknown properties.

    Since the emergence of the phenomena sixteen Galactic years ago, the few scientists who have researched this organism have managed to determine that it exists as a distinct entity, rather than being a type or camera artefact, error in programming, or optical illusion. Any relation to Cuils or the Kramer Effect has since been debunked as well, leaving research at a complete dead-end. Scientists have had more luck discovering what it isn’t, rather than what it is.

    Another anomalous aspect of the Curser is that regardless of ambient lighting, their colours are uniform throughout photographs. Even through filters, attempts to capture them are reverted to uniform shades that do not match the surrounding exposure of the photograph. Unlike common sightings of cryptids and undiscovered organisms, where footage tends to be blurry, Cursers appear unusually clearly. It is possible to digitally remove them from footage, but whatever they are obscuring will have to be restored and recreated.

    Behaviour: Observation of this creature has been extremely difficult due to the lack of research into its behaviour. It only appears in photographs and videos, and no specimens have ever been collected.

    First Videographic evidence of one of these anomalous triangles on Horsebutt, at 0m 37s.

    The organism moves extremely fast, and is able to cross vast distances in the blink of an eye, as well as turn on a dime. Videos tend to show them flying at high speeds, remaining still, or passing through walls and hovering near objects that are commonly interacted with, such as doors and seats.

    Tamability: Unknown. One would have to contain it first.

    Where is it found?: Anywhere that living beings with the capacity for observation can be found. They have been spotted in a wide range of biomes and conditions, including temperature extremes, ocean depths, and the vacuum of space.

    Rarity: Their true rarity is unknown, as only solitary photographs have been produced. It could range anywhere from one specimen per person, to being a singular entity that moves across the galaxy. Who could say- OH MY GOD THERE'S ONE THERE RIGHT NOW!

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Though they have been photographed in the vicinity of food and water, there have been no reports of them interacting with or consuming substances.

    Products?: This creature leaves no physical trace, apart from the potential imprints on photographs. An indirect product is the vast amount of controversy and scientific intrigue in the cryptozoology community regarding its existence.

    Reproduction: Nothing about their life cycle is known at the moment, as their biology is a complete mystery. Certain theorists raise the idea of them obeying the rules of quantum physics, and only spontaneously existing for a single instance when observed, while remaining in a non-existent state otherwise. If one subscribes to this train of thought, then the very act of observation would be their reproduction vector.


    A very small Curser photobombing a man’s selfie.

    A Curser sighted in orbit. Size calculations are difficult due to lighting failing to apply to it.

    Cursers vary greatly in size. Regardless of how big they are, subjects of photographs typically do not report any sensation whatsoever, despite Cursers intersecting with the spaces that their bodies occupy. Claims to the contrary exist, but have widely been dismissed as hoaxes.

    Weight: Massless, as it remains completely intangible and passes through both Realspace and Hyperspace without interacting with anything— almost comparable to phase-matter, except lacking properties entirely.

    Lifespan: Unknown

    The only known photo of Blackhelm to have surfaced in the last 8 Sol years, and one of the many examples of Cursers ruining photographs.


    The ability to ruin most photographs with their mere presence, or at least greatly decrease their visual appeal

    Ability to maintain their color on photographs, regardless of lighting (Filters may be applied afterwards)

    Intangible and undetectable in real time

    High speed and insane maneuverability

    The power to completely avoid containment, detection, and scrutiny, as well as continued observation


    No apparent capability to interact with the world.

    Other: As the creature is an immensely elusive and unexplained cryptid, long-term research into it will prove to be unsuccessful. Conspiracy groups and cryptozoologists may prove to be interested in this organism, and provide talking points, but it is of no value to the scientific community at large.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
    ThatCabbage, Pinkbat5, 9K and 2 others like this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    ThatCabbage and Yz2 like this.