Genetic Shin'Kali manually-induced Cryptobiosis

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Shin'Kali manually-induced Cryptobiosis
    "Look, dude, it's just 2000 pixels. You can't just do this every fucking time I come over."

    Description: A curated mutation meant to grant Shifters the ability to preserve themselves in stasis. The required genome was Inspired by creatures such as Tardigrade, Brine Shrimp, and assorted alien animals, and a similar ability was once present in some older Shin’Kali strains like Husks. In recent years, specialists have extracted and refined the ability to enter an inactive, hibernating state. In this Cyst-esque state, the Shifter loses most of their water content and slows their life functions to a crawl, allowing them to remain asleep and inactive until the time comes to emerge again.


    -The ability to cease all metabolic processes in one’s body, forcing them into a hibernating state. In this state, one doesn’t require food, oxygen, and can survive in a greater range of temperatures than normal. In this state, they can bear temperatures slightly above the boiling point of water, but anything extreme like lava will still destroy them. The resistance to cold that Shin’Kali have is further exemplified, allowing them to survive even the vacuum of space by shriveling up to an extreme degree.

    -Hidden from most non-specialised readings and scanners, due to having no metabolic processes and having the temperature of the surroundings. Indistinguishable from a corpse, or if they’ve been in Cryptobiosis for an extremely long time, almost looking like some kind of fossil.

    -When going into this state, Shifters can focus on specific variables that their bodies will subconsciously recognise, and use them as their signal to awaken. This can be anything that’s not overly specific. For example, if a Shifter is caught in a drought and needs to survive till the seasons change, they could bury themselves in dirt and exit Cryptobiosis once they sense sufficient moisture. A Shifter using an assisted method could have themselves awaken through an electrical current. Or a squad of soldiers lying in wait could choose to wake up when they hear noises or sense motion in the surroundings, so they can ambush enemies that come by weeks later.

    -They’re able to preserve themselves near indefinitely, stopping the ravages of time from catching up to them. As no metabolic processes take place, they don’t age while in Cyst form. One side effect of this is that poisons and pathogens that require metabolism with the Shifter’s cells cease functioning as well, or may even be killed if they’re unspecialised to deal with such a thing. A Shifter who has received a lethal dose of poison, or some grievous wound, may opt to dry themselves out to wait for treatment.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):

    -Being attacked while in this state will wake the Shifter up, unless the body recognises that waking up would immediately kill them. One will most likely be able to grievously wound them before they can react.

    -Combining this ability with inorganic technology will allow one to get rid of many downsides, such as having a suit to provide moisture post-emergence, or some sort of AI-operated device to wake them with the required stimulus.


    -In this state, a Shifter is essentially asleep and unconscious. They may hold some sort of purpose or goal in their mind, and may be able to pick up fragmented sentences that relate to this, but for the most part are unaware. Their brains are in a low-activity state.

    -Upon waking from Cryptobiosis, the Shifter will require a couple minutes to regain control of their bodies and put the bare-minimum amounts of water into operating their muscles. Diving into a Nest is the best way to remoisturize. They can’t immediately leap up with their full slew of reflexes, and are limited in the responses they can muster. They cannot shapeshift at all for this period.

    -Large quantities of water are required in the immediate aftermath of exiting their Cyst state. If they do not get access to multiple liters of water within several hours, great strain is put on their body and organs, and they experience ass cell-death.

    -As they need to dry out to perform the process, Shifters become even more flammable in this state. Better cover up! Nobody wants to wake up screaming and on fire.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):

    -Shifters going into Cryptobiosis have to choose the set of circumstances that they’ll reawaken in. If something happens outside of these criteria, they most likely won’t be able to force themselves awake until bodily harm has already been inflicted on them.

    -If a Shifter does not have sufficient control over their body, or is prone to anxiety disorders, there’s a chance for them to automatically go into this state if sufficiently stressed, or ambient conditions are incredibly hazardous. (This isn’t a balancing factor, it’s just for RP potential.)

    How does it work:


    Shifters with this integrated mutation are able to halt their biological functions and force fluid from their cells. They exude this waste water through their skin or orifices, and gradually shrivel up into a mummified state. This form is known as a ‘Cyst’. While desiccating themselves, they curl up into their desired shape, and focus on the set of stimulus that will wake them from Cyst form. Throughout this process, their bodies rapidly produce sugars and proteins such as Trehalose, which protect their cells from the damage that extreme desiccation would cause.

    Before they fully complete Cryptobiosis, the crusty, dried-up cyst has several minutes of activity before they lose consciousness. The Shifter can use this time to get their affairs in order, and secure themselves in specific ways— such as getting into a Nest or burying themselves in mud.

    "Who's a good girl? Wake up! Pst! Here, girl!"

    Waking up can happen in several ways. They can start waking if the desired stimulus is achieved. In the wild, this is usually some sort of seasonal effect, such as the presence of rain, the cessation of a heat wave, etc. For Shifters who are using Cryptobiosis for tactical operations, this can be something like an electrical shock from a device, being shaken about, or having some sort of scent-marker forced into their faces.

    Being attacked and receiving harm will wake one up as well, unless the subconscious recognises that doing so would kill them. A Shifter who’s floating through space wouldn’t wake up from being riddled with holes by micrometeors, but the damage would likely cause them to regain consciousness when brought into an environment they could survive.

    Flavor text:
    Eventually, Syed stopped thinking...

    Some of the lesser castes of the Shin’Kali, such as Revenants and the now-extinct Husks, once possessed the ability to enter suspended animation and halt their own bodily functions. Eventually, the mutation was cultivated among the sapient Shifters of the Ascended Empire.

    Amidst the Taxxaldmatists of the Ascended, this process is occasionally performed ritually to put one in a meditative state. It serves as reaffirmation of the distinction between the Mind and Body— Intellect and Soul. After all, one needs to have both aspects work together in order to utilize this.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Attainability: Semi-Closed (As obviously, only Shifters can use this)

    This ability is more commonly obtained by Shifters who require it for specific uses, such as exploration of hostile worlds, or missions that take place over long periods of time. However, it’s not impossible for the average fringe-going Shifter to get their hands on one by asking around or finding the right connections.


    Category: Genetic
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
    Ryanatorx and schizothotep like this.
  2. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Absolutely love this throughout, especially the flavour text about religious meditation. Well-balanced too. 1st pass !!
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Sorry for the delay! 2nd pass!