Genetic Bulwark Bolt

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Ryanatorx, Jun 11, 2022.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Bulwark Bolt

    AKA: Foot-stabber

    Description: A new structure is added to the calf which permits a synthbone spike to extend violently out of the heel directly down. A membrane is installed on the heel to permit this action without tearing through skin every time. Additionally, much of the foot and calf muscle is replaced with structurally stronger synthmuscle to maintain leg function and strength despite lower volume. Additional synthmuscle reinforcement is applied in other critical parts of the body to reduce risk of a force that would otherwise knock a user over from snapping their knees. There is also a small additional structure added to the motor control center of the brain to allow control of these new organs and muscles.


    -Stab someone who you are stepping on

    -Become really hard to knock over on most floors, especially wood, concrete, and space drywall

    -Exits very quickly and suddenly with little to no warning

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):

    -Stand on a wall

    -Pull someone towards you with an EMRGE even if they are near your weight or heavier than you

    -Doesn’t look unusual on anything less than a medical-grade ENDI scanner, so it can be taken through many security systems

    -Some synthbone spikes contain a impervium tip, which allow it to punch through thin metal floors and armor


    -Harsh knee-trauma (such as being shot in the knee) may strike the projection fluid gland, which would cause the knee to explode and sever the calf

    -If the synthbone spike manages to break (which is difficult) or be ripped out, it would need to be replaced through surgery

    -Runs into issue with thick metals and impervium. With an impervium tip, thick metals will be dented or cracked, but the force is going to hit the rest of the leg as it fails to go through, sending the user comically flying. Impervium, even relatively thin layers, have the same effect. The sudden impulse is generally too painful for this to be useful. Non-impervium tipped attempting the same thing will shatter the bone, which leaves incredibly painful fragments that need to be surgically removed behind

    -While it is able to ‘fire’ the bone with little to no warning, it may take several seconds of effort to retract it back (1 combat round)

    -Requires time to refill fluid gland for firing multiple times (3 combat rounds)

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):

    -Look very strange on a medical ENDI scanner

    -Some synthbone spikes contain a impervium tip, which will show up on security-grade ENDI scanners

    -Cannot have Concussive Lining applied by its nature

    -Can misfire if tased/electrocuted

    How does it work:

    The synthbone spike is installed in the intended location, replacing much of the calf with engineered synthmuscle in the process so that it continues to be a functional limb. Additional synthmuscle reinforcement elsewhere in the body and a structural knee replacements are included to prevent the body from failing under the anticipated conditions that Bulwark is used (not falling over when hit with a force that would ordinarily cause that is useless if your knees or spine snap from staying standing).

    A projection-fluid gland is nested just below the knee, which produces the necessary propellant to thrust and puncture through most materials, while a muscle is used to retract it- as retracting it does not require the same amount of force with nothing to punch through. Two versions exist, standard and deluxe. The difference between the two is the tip of the spike- in the Deluxe, rather than being synthbone, the tip of the spike is impervium, allowing it to punch through nearly any floor and the majority of modern armors.

    Flavor text:

    In another stunning move from Chemical Core, the latest in a range of bio-modding implants has hit the market! Bulwark Bolts are a leg implant which permits a user to hold their ground in a variety of circumstances, and works especially well with EMRGE to secure footing in otherwise unsecure locations! The Deluxe Edition is especially useful for preventing opposition from escaping before a fight even starts, by destroying their foot! Schedule your installation today, only at Chemical Core!

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): EMRGE, Concussive Lining

    Attainability: Semi-closed (only sold by Chemical Core)

    Tags: Industrial

    Category: Genetic

    Edit 10/1/2022: Added a conditional limitation about being electrocuted
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
    ThatCabbage and Dust and Echoes like this.
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First pass. Just a note for anyone using this that standing or walking on walls would still probably be relatively difficult.
    Pinkbat5 and Ryanatorx like this.
  3. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Gotta not skip knee day frfr
  4. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass this sounds like it hurts
    Dust and Echoes likes this.