Materials Rotsteel

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Mar 30, 2022.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Rotsteel, Queensteel, Geneva Suggestion, Noxium, Edgeium, Torael's Kiss, The Queen's Blessing.


    Rotsteel is a dark metal with flecks and dashes of red coloration strewn throughout its surface, aside from when it’s being forged it is always cool to the touch to non-organics- even in direct sunlight on a hot day. To organics it feels like pain. Well-Forged Rotsteel has a Damascus-like pattern.


    Metal ingot by @AD INFINITUM


    Forms a semi-liquid amalgam of ‘skingoop’ when in contact with organic material. This is a painful process.

    Skingoop causes a similar but less potent effect, creating more skingoop. Effectiveness and area covered is variable based on weapon type, length of contact, whether or not the skingoop is shaken off, and other such factors. Exact details left purposefully ambiguous to give more freedom in describing wounds in CRP.

    Conditional Abilities:

    Useful for cleaning flesh off of bone really fast.

    Skingoop is free. You can just take it.

    Glitch and Synthetics can make their chassis out of Rotsteel- if they can get enough of it.

    Small damages can be repaired using paltry iron ore.


    Crafts will be misshapen over time due to amalgamating ‘skin goop’ and require constant care. Such care is hazardous to organics.

    Typical limitations associated with the item it’s made into. (A sword has to actually hit you, for example).

    Conditional Limitations:

    Skingoop will eventually overtake the items if not properly removed.

    Hard to work with or forge for Organics.

    Skingoop is toxic to consume.

    Skingoop decays after about a month, though in colder conditions this can be pushed to two months.

    After around four months of regular use, Rotsteel equipment must be replaced as significant portions of the metal has been lost to Skingoop creation.

    Reverts to impure iron when exposed to order over the course of several minutes. Depending on the length of the exposure, this will require the metal be replaced much quicker than usual.

    How does it work:

    Rotsteel is an alloy made up of an anomalous compound found in the anchorworld fungus 'Nariman' and iron. The mushroom is hazardous to organics, causing chemical burns upon contact. This is done as a defensive mechanism as well helping the digestive process. When the two are combined in a forge, the resulting metal has a unique chemical reaction, similar to how liquid Mercury interacts with other metals. Rotsteel forms a half-flesh, half-metal mixture('Skingoop') on contact with flesh. Skingoop will also react with flesh, producing more of itself, but the effect's potency drastically lowers. Notably, this only happens with well-forged Rotsteel, failure to forge it correctly only results in a sword that gives chemical burns.

    Bones are unaffected by this reaction and can not become skin-goop. Skingoop can be used to make items. It is very brittle, and prone to melting at room temperature.

    Flavor text:

    We didn’t know what the black metal was at first. Not until we used it on the invaders and their beasts- they rotted and died from our arrows and blades. Their flesh melted when they tried to claw and hit our chassis. We knew then of the power of the Rot and the black metal in the depths of the mountain. Nothing could stop us after that moment. - From the scriptures of the Mad Scribe of Torael.

    Rotsteel was first discovered in the anchor world of Torael, specifically by the awakened Glitch Queendom of Torael. At first they had assumed it simply strong metal- until a nearby Floran warband began to rampage through their lands. The potential of this material was then realized and the knowledge quickly spread to other Glitch kingdoms and the Undercrypt.

    In modern day though, Rotsteel is a legendary material often spoke about in the same manner as Solus and Frosten, primarily used by Glitch Doomlords named “Deathknights” and “Warlocks”. Smiths with the knowledge to safely forge weapons and armor of this material are far and few between, most practicing their craft in the lowest sublayers of the Undercrypt and in sanctums on other Anchor Worlds.


    Semi-Closed (While the important material needed to actually create the metal can be found on anchor worlds with an ECF of 3 or higher that supports life, the only planet that currently has access to the knowledge of its exact forging process is the Queendom of Torael, and they are unlikely to share this to outsiders.)

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Materials.

    Durability: Just a bit stronger than normal steel.

    Melting point: 3200 degrees F

    Thermal conductivity: High.

    Electrical conductivity: Medium.

    Weight: 0.28 lbs per cubic inch.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. I'm going to begin grading this today.

    Since this app is contingent upon the existence of another specific living thing, would you be willing to make a short bestiary app for the Nariman fungus referenced in the app? Upon that being posted and passed, I don't think I'll have many additional questions.
  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Yeah sure I'll get on that tonight probably
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    First pass.
    Cheffy likes this.
  5. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass.
  6. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Moving this to back to pending until the edits discussed in DMs are made.