Medical Faust

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Cheffy, Mar 30, 2022.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Faust, Last Wish, Pact, Ancient’s Blood, Second Life, Satan’s Piss

    Description: Faust is an anomalous drug that is that’s varying shades of red- from David Ward crimson, to Luo wine red. It’s typically found in any manner of syringes, autoinjectors, or in a chalky powder to be consumed or snorted- in this case, it tastes like cherry.



    Faust can completely regenerate someone to their genetically perfect state. This means a full healing of all their organs, limbs, scars and more. It works fast enough to stabilize someone in combat- essentially stopping them from bleeding out or dying unless the injury is too severe.

    Faust can also repair all genetic damage- basically acting as an elixir of youth. Setting back someone to their species’ equivalent to a mid-twenties Human.

    Conditional Abilities:

    When consumed/injected, Faust can bring someone back from the “dead”. This basically means as long as they aren’t braindead (within five minutes of oxygen no longer being delivered to the brain), it can patch their body back up and “restore their life”.


    While Faust can heal someone to a frankly insane degree, this entire process takes half an hour due to the amount that it’s repairing- only healing enough at the time of injection to rapidly stabilize the injectee.

    After you take Faust, you’re instantly knocked the fuck out for the next hour. An organic can literally not handle the pain of their body going through that kind of process while conscious. This means that the drug is literally useless in combat unless you’re trying to save someone’s life.

    Faust must be consumed at least once a month, or withdrawal sets in. After withdrawal you have 3 hours before side effects prove fatal, 6 hours with medical assistance.

    Side effects of Faust withdrawal, in no particular order, include but are not limited to; Kidney Failure, Liver Failure, Heart Failure, Intestine Failure, Bone Brittling, Blood Thinning, Blood seeping out of Pores, Hair Loss, Hearing Loss, Sight Loss, Taste Loss, Lack of Balance, Muscular Dystrophy, Weakness, Dizziness, Fatigue, Nausea, Brain Failure, Brain Loss, Inability to Smell, Inability to breathe, Tooth Decay, Cavities, Hatred of the Purgatorian Healthcare System, Regret, Sorrow, Suicidal Ideation, Mood Swings, Hunger Pangs, Loss of Weight, Dry Mouth, Dry Stomach, Dry Throat, Sight Loss, Massive Hemorrhaging, No Cells, Tumors, Threemors, Infertility, Loss of Immune System, Newly-Formed Mune System, Erectile Dysfunction, Amnesia, Loss of Testosterone, Loss of Estrogen, Dissolution of Stomach, Swimmer's Ear, Drowner's Ear, Loss of Libido, Loss of Ego, Loss of Id, Loss of Superego, Pain, Mild Pain, Severe Pain, Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Acne, Stress.

    Conditional Limitations:

    While the healing process happens, the body will literally forcefully shed skin cells to replace them with fresh ones, as well as any damaged teeth. Additionally, the user suffers rapid hair/fur growth if they have it, as well as rapid nail/claw growth.

    A VERY unfortunate side effect of Faust, is that it will regrow organs even if there is something in their place. This means that if someone has synthetic jaws, replacements, eyes, teeth, limbs, organs and so on- they will be forcefully pushed out of the way as the organ regrows. This can lead to catastrophic side effects where the body injures itself over and over until the drug runs out- and then the user has to suffer the consequences.

    When injecting Faust to "return someone to life", half of the dose MUST be injected into the brain while the other half is injected into the torso.

    How does it work:

    Prolonged withdrawal causes the Faust Cells to decay rapidly. In effect this causes every injury the victim has suffered since taking Faust to re-emerge, killing them. If the wounds are non-fatal, they will start to experience the rapid onset of side-effects caused by the body growing dependent on Faust for nearly all functions as a result of Faust Cells taking over most bodily coding. This is also fatal. Side effects are listed below. The only method of stopping this is extensive physical therapy and genemodding, involving the process of replacing all Faust Cells with more stable cells.

    Faust is concocted equal parts through science and anomaly- The base is a virus which studies the genome and begins producing stem cells, but the speed at which they are produced is possible only due to Fetor and Crisaria Sap in equal measures, seasoned loosely with regenerative elements of other species (Hylotl Child's Blood, Penguin Liver, Floran Cardiac Tissue, etc.) to give it the proper effect. These cells effectively work on a separate metabolism then the body they're on, using a set of anomalous enzymes and RNA molecules to assemble proteins at an unusually energy-efficient rate.

    One dose of Faust is 50ml in a syringe, 500mg as a powder.

    Flavor text:

    Faust was created by a black-market metapharmaceutical group in 3267, which quickly gained traction in various seedy markets across the Fringe and Civ-space. Unfortunately, its side effects were realized in just as much time, and the drug was quickly banned in all civilized sectors due to its lethality and immoral requirements to produce. This hasn’t stopped it from showing up in any number of locations regardless however. Always being sold by the same group no matter where in the galaxy it’s found. The emblem of the group is the same as their name- The Lucent Circle.

    Referenced Technologies:

    Attainability: Semi-Closed (It’s very hard to find and make. You can’t just go ‘my character has a bunch/buys it offscreen. However I will be perfectly willing to GM someone looking into it and/or making it themselves.)

    Tags: [Industrial] [Genetic]

    Category: Medical
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2022
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hey, I'm going to begin grading this today. I have several questions.

    How frequently does one need to re-use this drug in order to remain alive after their first dose? Additionally, how long after the onset of withdrawal symptoms does one have to live?

    Are there additional withdrawal symptoms?
    Cheffy likes this.
  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Once a month to live

    Six hour after the start of the withdrawal symptoms start is the longest a person can live, and that's assuming they're in a hospital. If they're not in a hospital, a three.

    There aren't any other withdrawal symptoms.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I feel it would be more accurate to say that the withdrawal symptoms could vary widely depending on which organs and such are being "corrected" back to their normal state in the process of the drug wearing off - which is to say along with a rapid apparent aging process, potential mental deterioration among other things that may come from certain organs suddenly having far less functionality.
    Cheffy likes this.
  5. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    After some conversations in DMs I've edited the app.
  6. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    First pass.
    Cheffy likes this.
  7. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Basis for the app is good, only a few adjustments need to be made.
    This section needs some elaboration. What is this metabolism? What does anomaly have to do with it? Do they have cuiloplasts or something? If so, it'd mean that Faust metabolism would be affected by high cuils. Are some of the other Faust ingredients part of their metabolism?
    This is just a nitpick but this section should go under "limitations" or "conditional limitations"
    I'd like to request a balancing adjustment: A person can only be brought back from the dead if Faust is injected directly into their brain, and then also injected into their chest cavity. If a person is dead and their heart is stopped, the drug has no quick way of getting around the body... so you want to inject it where it's needed most, before the dead person's brain gets even more damaged. You also want to make sure the heart is repaired ASAP, so the drug can circulate around the body.
    Also, anybody who's been dead for longer than an hour is irretrievable, as that's when a brain is too fucked up to restore (this is how it works for GC resurrection technology too). The person might still come back to life but they'd be braindead. The longer a person has been dead, the more brain damage they will have when they come back.

    Finally, how much is one Faust dose?
  8. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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  9. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Between my previous grading and now, I received a complaint from another player about the grading of this app, and then proceeded to have a ~2 hour conversation/argument/heart-to-heart with other staff about it. Until now I've mostly been paying attention to the feasibility of this app– the "how does it work" section– and not thinking too hard about everything else. That was my mistake. I shouldn't be trying to specialize– it's important that both the first and the second staff member consider the whole of the app when grading.
    It feels shitty to hit this with a fail after giving a pending, but there's a lot that needs changed and it includes some core functions of the app.
    The issues:

    The drug's rarity being its only drawback.
    - Someone who is addicted to this drug is perfectly healthy and ageless, and experiences no side effects as a result. Aside from its rarity, and addictive nature, this is a "perfect" drug– if you have easy access to Fetor and Crisaria sap, there are no drawbacks. Sure, basically nobody does have easy access to those things, but if you're very rich (many player characters are) or happen to have easier access to one of those ingredients, then the drug's only weakness is suddenly less of a weakness.
    - Faust can only be acquired through RP. Most of that RP is going to need GM supervision. What if there aren't any interested GMs around? Are you willing to drop everything and host an event for players that happen to get their characters injected with this stuff? Are the other GMs, if there are any? What do you do if nobody can GM at the moment without it feeling like a chore? Off-screen it? TLDR it? Boom, only weakness to the drug is suddenly "you have to do something offscreen."
    - Even if you do manage to host interesting RPs for the first couple times a player character needs more Faust, it's going to get boring eventually. A Faust-addicted character is doomed to either die, get cured, or have their Faust acquisition RP happen offscreen. This means that the drug is either fatal, a temporary problem, or unbalanced.
    - A psionic black market immortality drug that mutates your body should have additional drawbacks or side effects. If you're injecting that stuff on the regular I'd expect you to be slowly losing your humanity, one way or another. You don't need to make long-term Faust users shambling joy mutants, but they should be different from how they once were, and not just in a good way. Skid had some good ideas surrounding this, one of his suggestions was that higher ECFs should be more comfortable for Faust users.

    The drug (quickly) brings you back from the dead.

    - I failed to think about the implications of a rapid resurrection drug in the context of player-versus-player CRP. Sure, you have to inject Faust within a couple minutes of the person's death, but if I killed someone and then their buddy ran up and injected their corpse with a psychic drug that let them come back to life, I'd be pissed. Death is already low-consequence with cloning, this pushes the consequences even lower; too low.
    - If Faust retains its resurrection properties, the resurrection should take much longer than a few hours, and the curing of Faust addiction should be much worse than cloning recovery. Otherwise, it's an easy way to circumvent cloning penalties.

    Some issues with the drug's backstory.
    - Civspace doesn't have easy access to metapharmaceuticals. Metapharmaceuticals are as rare as most other psionic things.
    - Civspace wouldn't ban something for needing penguin liver, hylotl kid blood, or floran cardiac tissue. You can grow all those things, so there's no ethical issues.
    - Lots of drugs kill you if you abruptly stop taking them. IRL, if you recieve an organ transplant, you have to take immunosuppressants for the rest of your life or you die. So, Civspace wouldn't ban something just because it forces patients to continue taking it. Since you can be cured of the addiction, it's not actually unethical to prescribe to someone.
  10. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    May I request a second fail?
  11. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Seconding the fail.