Alakhai Redux

Discussion in 'Species Applications' started by Jestephos, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    The Sons of Tarrakh - Alakhai

    Zealous Ruin-worshipping, survivors of Fringe history, eugenically and biotechnologically evolved to live in nomadic zero-G environments.


    The everyday Fringe interpretation of an Alak’hai is that of a synapsid reptilian, possessing four limbs, a tail, and a horned draconic head.


    A Sleeve, compared to commonly known Alak’hai ( Art by Dekerrex. Sprite by Me )

    In the times since the Blue Years, the Alak’hai have undergone a dramatic evolution. Through biotechnology and genetic modification, they transferred their consciousness into a new species known colloquially as “sleeves”. No Fringer has made contact with a Sleeve as of the present day. Sleeves resemble gangly, six-limbed reptilian-insectoids, with two pairs of glowing eyes and an indeterminate number of horn-like structures. Taller than the average height of most species at 7’, they are adapted to regions of low-G and vacuum conditions.

    Sleeves also come equipped with a symbiotic organism that forms a protective suit around the inhabitant, providing them numerous benefits for living life in zero-G. Bioluminescent markings unique to the wearer help to identify individuals without sound or complex sight as well as a series of photosynthetic pigments on the outside of the suit that synthesizes oxygen from waste products supplied by the suit bearer and sunlight. As a result of their extended stay within these sealed suits, Alak’hai have incredibly weak immune systems, and simple exposure to pathogens can lead to life-threatening illnesses.


    Much like their biology, the Alak’hai culture has been defined by its evolution in the wake of their incursion into the Fringe. For most of the Alak’hai Imperium’s lifespan, it was a monarchy under an Emperor or Empress before transferring into a constitutional monarchy. Due to a mixture of infighting, resource shortages, and the devastation of the Blue Years, a political extremist group known as the Sons of Tarrakh took power and changed the face of Alak’hai Culture irreparably. Now a fiercely religious, theocratic nation with a God-King at its head, these new Alak’hai worship the Ruin in a form of Occasism, venerating it as the ultimate form of biological life. Most elements of old Alak’hai culture have been suppressed in lieu of these new values, and traditional dress and customs are seldom seen, or practiced in secret. The Sons of Tarrakh and the remaining Alak’hai population do not live on planets, as other species do, but reside in a flotilla of living vessels in zero-G conditions. Utilizing their newfound control over the population, the Sons of Tarrakh have helped lead the Alak’hai to eke out a living surviving off of the meat of Stellarwhals and raiding small colonies for metals from afar, unwilling to land on solid ground. Military service is compulsory under the new government, and anti-religious dissidents are banished or sequestered away from the rest of society.

    The Blue Years have generated a fierce distaste for uncleanliness and solid earth within the survivors of the Alak’hai, their species seldom leaving their ships or even yet the biotechnological suits they use to survive the vacuum of space. It is considered rare, if not outright unforeseen for an Alak’hai to walk upon the soil of a celestial body.


    Contemporary Alak’hai history begins with the discovery of modern biotechnology. Wars waged between states with living firearms upon steeds made of bone and chitin through colonial, coral-like cities.

    Consolidating under the Has’rek family, the Alak’hai Imperium rose from the ashes of the other nation-states as the premier superpower on their homeworld, and their iron-fisted rule lead their species to the stars. Early eras of space exploration focused on finding worlds holding rich resources, but in a stroke of horrid luck, the Alak’hai found themselves isolated from any major stellar bodies. Following the development of the Hyperdrive, the Alak’hai found themselves in a new world populated by numerous alien species, and alien worlds. Around this time, a group known as the Sons of Tarrakh split from the main Alak’hai population, venerating a vast beast they saw on the Horizon. Great Va’Halud, The Ruin. Departing on vast colony ships, they disappeared into the depths of space for decades. The Alak’hai population had declined due to overpopulation, and their worlds were stripped bare of resources. With no available opportunity to acquire the vast amount of resources they needed to feed and support their species, the Alak’hai desperately attempted to invade Fringe settlements in an effort to save their species.

    The Alak’hai War, as it was known, was perceived to be an attack by a vastly superior power due to their advanced biotechnology and the vast size of their ships. But in actuality, the war was the last desperate plea of a dying race, and for all the damage done to civilized colonies, the Alak’hai were defeated by their own technology.

    A genetic virus introduced by a mixture of Fringer and Alak’hai turncoats wiped out 98% of all Alak’hai in Imperium Space.It was so named “The Blue Years”, for the distinct blue sclera that denoted those infected and killed by the virus. Those who survived this genocide were the population of the Imperial City, Spacers and the Sons of Tarrakh. The Sons of Tarrakh offered their brethren safety for a time, before violently overthrowing what remained of the monarchy. With access to modern biotechnology, The Sons of Tarrakh devised a method to save their people; Create new bodies for themselves, distinct and immune to the virus that had devastated their species, and suited for the harsh realities of space. This immunity never stopped the people fearing the virus’ return, however. Now, desperate and downtrodden, the Alak’hai have stooped to ghost-like raids on colonial settlements and hunting Stellar beasts to survive. There is hope in the people, that one day they may reclaim their homeworld.

    Roleplay Intentions

    The Alak’hai provide an interesting insight into Fringe History as a player species, and their continued evolution and how that plays out is an active event I’d like to have players of both the species and the wider Fringe to involve themselves in. Most Alak’hai characters will have defining events of their lives tied to the recent history and regime change. They fill an interesting niche of a proud, aggressive race, that has to learn to move beyond or fall prey to their cultural preconceptions.

    zirconzz, Mir, Dekerrex and 5 others like this.
  2. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    There is a "man" in my "dorm" and he's holding a "gun" to my "head". He ie ordering me to cosign.
    Please help.
    crumchy and ThatCabbage like this.
  3. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    I want to give these guys a little pat on the head. Consider me cosigned. Also this isn't April fools
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  4. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    crumchy likes this.
  5. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    It's about damn time we got a species adapted to zero G!!
    Some things I'd like to see detailed in their second stage:
    - Why did they develop biotechnology in the first place? How does it work? What are its advantages and disadvantages compared to electricity-based technology? (Might be better to put this in tech app form instead of in the species app)
    - Are their ships also biotechnology?
    - Tell us a little about their symbiotic suits
    - What happens if they're exposed to gravity?
  6. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Seconded because apparently these guys were never seconded. Sorry about that! Excited to see them!
    A few questions of my own for Stage 2!
    - How exactly have the more minute details of the culture shifted in the face of near extinction and radical reorganization? How did their architecture, art, clothing, etc. change? Was it for the better? For the worse?
    - Are there any Alak'hai remaining in their original form? If yes, do they have their own distinct sub-culture?