Genetic Floran Grafting

Discussion in 'Approved' started by schizothotep, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    Name: Floran Grafting

    Description: Floran Grafting, also referred to as Floral Body Reattachment, is an extremely common Floran mutation that allows the affected Florans to reincorporate their severed body parts back into their whole. While the mutation is present in an estimated ninety percent of the Floran population, the gene responsible for it isn’t strong enough to manifest in any meaningful ways; this results in only about one-third of those affected to have it manifest in any meaningful, larger-scale ways. This ability ranges from reapplying severed tissue and cuticle back to the skin to attaching fully severed limbs back to the created stumps. The prevalence and strength of the mutation depends on many conditions, related to age, environment, and even the variable whether or not the Floran affected by the gene is a Greenfinger.

    + Allows for reattachment of severed tissue, skin, and even organs. This allows for immediate response to trauma and injury in case of sustained damage on the battlefield, provided the attaching is allowed.
    + If made use of properly, it can stop bleeding and possible infections.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    + It’s a great intimidation factor. Someone severs a part of you, you simply can put it back in its place.
    + Younger, healthier Florans have an easier time reincorporating their body parts.
    + ..Despite that, this ability is more powerful in Greenfingers, because of their innate ability to manipulate plant life and nature as a whole.
    + Badly applied grafts will regulate on their own, naturally, so there doesn’t have to be a worry on an absolutely perfect placement. Obviously, this only applies to miniscule and smaller off-sets of the grafted part; don't expect an arm to turn 180 degrees in order to match it's original position.

    +/- The bigger the injury and surface that requires to be regenerated, the longer it will take for the grafting to fully settle in. This can be speeded up by usage of healing salves, bandages, covers, and simpler things such as a hearty diet.
    +/- While you cannot use severed parts of your enemies, you can use parts of those related to you; brothers, sisters, fathers, so on and so forth.

    - The attached body part needs to be considered “alive”. If too much time passes between it being severed and attached back to the rest of the body, the grafting won’t take place, and it will simply not work.
    - While, in some cases, the effects of grafting are instantaneous (i.e. a chunk of flesh attaching back to the cavity in the body in minutes), it will take time to rehabilitate it to full functionality again.
    - Obviously, injuries like gunshots, burns, ionization, and similar are not possible to be regenerated by attaching back a missing part.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    - Older, senile Florans have harder time incorporating their flesh back. The same issue is prevalent in Florans that are generally considered sickly and unhealthy.
    - Sometimes, albeit rarely, a visible scar will be left around the integrated piece of flesh.

    How does it work: Similarly to real-life grafting, this genome elevates the regenerative abilities of Florans to make further, more advanced use of inosculation; vascular cambium tissues of both their body and the severed part are placed in contact with each other. Over the following periods of time dictated by the variables listed above, the connections of muscle, skin, and even bone are formed.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Attainability: Semi-Closed; available to Florans, and their subsequent sub-species.

    Tags: [Civilian] [Genetic]

    Category: Genetic
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    First pass.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  3. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    looking over this my only immediate question is how much additional mass that could be added onto an individual, simply in regards to the added caloric needs of supporting the additional biomass- as well as the functional limitations of things such as their cardiovascular system and the ability for the skeletomuscular system to support the grafted tissue without simply collapsing
    schizothotep likes this.
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    You can't attach additional biomass to yourself. You can't cut out a piece of your flesh and put in additional arm there; rather than attaching new flesh, you attach your old mass. It doesn't work in a way of upgrading yourself with more bodies; it's just.. primitive healing. Assembling yourself back together.
  5. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    gotcha- in that case go ahead and consider this your second pass.

    schizothotep likes this.