
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Ryanatorx, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Gigacorn (zea mays ultra)

    Description: Gigacorn is a very large and nutritionally rich staple food commonly farmed in temperate environments. It has been genetically modified to be unreasonably large, ranging from 4-6 feet in height. Corn kernels on the exterior are commonly collected as foods on their own. The thick interior shaft is generally processed into other organic goods (such as nutrient paste or various oils) or is prepared in thin slices akin to a pancake.


    Behavior: It grows under identical conditions to corn, but significantly faster. While a normal corn crop takes from 60-100 days to grow, gigacorn can be grown in under a month. However, due to the swift draining of soil it induces, soil requires resting time in between growths (usually two full grow seasons of enriching crops) or the introduction of artificial nutrients (though this helps select for more hazardous pests). Gigacorn does not produce seeds, requiring them to be purchased from Civspace companies that aggressively protect their patents.

    Tamability: It is a domesticated crop. Anyone who purchases it can use it.

    Where is it found?: Temperate grow regions.

    Rarity: It is exceptionally common, due to being a very fast and nutrient rich crop.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Autotroph

    Products?: Gigacorn kernels, gigacorn stalks. Both useful organic products for food and other purposes.

    Reproduction: Gigacorn does not reproduce. The seeds are made in a lab explicitly to prevent that. If they were able to reproduce, they could be devastating on an ecosystem due to the swift ability to drain soil of nutrients.

    Size: 4-8 feet in height in the adult stage (depending on the planetary gravity. Average is 6!)

    Weight: 60-80 kg, weight varies by planetary gravity and crop size (which is also influenced by gravity)

    Lifespan: One month to adulthood with a maximum lifespan of two months, barring special circumstances. It can survive for up to a month after reaching the adult stage, but after two months it has generally completely depleted the soil of nutrients and starves. If it is artificially given more nutrients, it can continue to live, though will not grow beyond this maximum size. Should it starve, the dead gigacorn will generally be consumed by decomposers and make nutrient rich soil once again.

    Abilities: It has been engineered to be very large and nutritious. Additionally, it has been designed with copyright protection built-in. Should it be examined by most common lab procedures for deducing internal structure (such as a lab-grade ENDI scanner, or any number of other comparable tests), the seed will denature many essentially structures and become unusable. Security ENDI scanners are low enough resolution to not trigger this effect.

    Flaws: It cannot reproduce and drains soil of vital nutrients.

    Other: Mmmm corn.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Passed. Why?
    Ryanatorx likes this.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Second pass. Very wise. This second pass is not needed but I think it is a very wise app so I am giving it a second pass anyways.
    Exon, crumchy and schizothotep like this.