Dox - A Cyborg Rekindled

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Exon, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    First name: Dox
    Age: 24
    Date of birth: Unclear, she estimated at one point but has forgotten. She just ticks her age up on new year's, nowadays.
    Race: Fenerox
    Gender: F.
    Sexuality: Bi.
    Current residence: Her ship, and she changes what planet it happens to be orbiting fairly regularly as of late.
    Relationship status: Not really looking at present.
    Financial standing: Questionable, but apparently not doing poorly.

    Accent (if any): None.
    Language spoken: Common.
    Style of speaking: Calm and flat, or snarky and joking, depending on the context.
    Volume of voice: Calm and low, usually.

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 112 lbs.
    Eye color: Blood-crimson.
    Fur color: White.
    Shape of face: Standard tapered muzzle for Fenerox.
    Distinguishing features: Dox has a pair of long, sharpened, hooked horns on her forehead. Both are completely intact at this time.
    Build of body: Dox is thin, almost fragile in appearance.
    Posture: Dox stands straight, but her posture quickly deteriorates when in a seated position.
    Tattoos: None.
    Piercings: None.
    Typical clothing: Usually just a tank top and shorts, lately, though she sometimes wears her armor.
    Is seen by others as: Fiery, intelligent, extremely short-sighted, prone to bad administrative decisions.

    Likes: Violence, weapons, those close to her.
    Dislikes: Dictators, government, artificial intelligence out of her control.
    Education: Full grade school, plus some personal training in robotics, as well as not-insignificant combat experience.
    Fears: Very little, anymore. Her own death.
    Personal goals: Slightly unclear.
    General attitude: Playful and snarky when comfortable.
    Religious values: Atheist.
    General intelligence: Fairly.
    General sociability: Moderate.

    Illnesses (if any): Apparently a bit weak and sickly.
    Allergies (if any): Dox is allergic to bees. Dox does not know she is allergic to bees, because she has never even seen a bee.
    Sleeping habits: Odd and varied.
    Energy level: Moderate to high.
    Eating habits: Unclear, but probably not great.
    Memory: Forgetful.


    - Enemies -
    Harel Sera'Maeor: Naru's got it, I think. But if I see you myself, I'm tearing your throat out.

    - Friends and Acquaintances -
    Kera'tiv: Still responsible for keeping Renaize barely taped and glued together. Not really a surprise. If anyone could do it, they can.

    - Close Friends and Family -
    Cedric Kaya: Didn't really expect that. Buuuut... I can't say I'm disappointed. Thanks for the snacks, and... the everything else, too.

    Naru Sera'Maeor: I think we have things worked out, now. Thank you for understanding.

    Gossa Poinsetta: We should catch up, we never did.

    - Ki'a -
    Ki'a: You're my kid, kinda. I'm happy you're more independent nowadays. It's good for you.

    Peaceful or violent: Extremely, exceedingly violent. Unless Ki'a's watching.
    Weapon (if applicable): Dox prefers her favored laser-sniper, most of the time, or her Atlas-model plasma rifle, depending on the circumstances.
    Style of fighting: Aggressive, relentless and wild when in melee, careful and measured at range.
    Augmentations: Apparently none, at the moment!

    Occupation: None, at present.
    Current home: Her ship.
    Favorite types of food: Anything cheap and consistent.
    Favorite types of drink: Hot chocolate, cola.
    Hobbies/past times: Various games to pass the time.
    Guilty pleasures: Few.
    Pet peeves: Irrational people. People being angry at her without actually telling her what she did wrong.
    Talents: Dox has a good sense of rhythm and a decent singing voice.
    Favorite colors: Violet, blue and white, especially together.
    Favorite type of music: Lately, the weirdest shit she can find.

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2022
    ThatCabbage, Dorfus, Pinkbat5 and 3 others like this.
  2. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Updated. Added some relationships, color-coded some things. Dug through the character sheets as a whole and poked in a few extras from that overarching list. Added Frosthand and Lesslyn under Disliked, Septimus under Enemies... a few others. Nobody above Friends/Acquaintances was missed before this. I also did an update just a bit ago which redid some descriptions.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  3. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    First changes in a long time, and a ton of pruning.
  4. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    *shakes doxs hand smiling calmly*
    SilverGallium and ThatCabbage like this.