Chayka Vanellus Nesaulnier Traffkinst... Cosades

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by fragrance, Mar 16, 2022.

  1. fragrance

    fragrance New Arrival

    Mar 1, 2022
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    A bold erudite with a strong sense of loyalty, professionalism, and a knack for getting the attention of the worst kinds of people. Intimidatingly eccentric and covered in suspiciously expensive fabrics of choice, his pushy demeanor of a dazzling hotshot entrepreneur is merely an exterior attitude rather than a true reflection of his personality. In actuality, he who calls himself ‘Chayka’ is a kind, empathetic, and lovingly compassionate individual. Though he may not always describe others in the kindest way and can often be far too blunt, even when conveying his messages in utterly grandiloquent words, his actions speak volumes to his genuine sincerity.


    “Outward Form”

    "Cindy, this is a skeleton! THIS IS BONES! Would you run from Calista Flockhart?!"
    - Brenda Meeks, Scary Movie 2
    Is there not something so utterly flawless about that pale bone, seemingly loved by sun rays as it seems to glisten lightly, right when the sun rises to meet the sky? Those sharp, yet at the same time, soft features of his empty skull have always been alluring to the eye. Not to mention, those eyeholes, which are more often than not engulfed in a menacing shadow, can often be invigorating to the seer... or even irritating, seeing how difficult it is to read his emotions sometimes. Almost entirely composed of osseous matter, Chayka barely underwent any modifications, except for bits of supportive metal buried deep within his bones - ones added just for extra weight and added protection, which are qualities awfully needed for someone who is only 5’3”.
    He is not one to stay in the same garb for too long - fearful of both clothes moths and of obtaining a static perception of himself, he changes his wardrobe often, save for one article of clothing - his wide-brimmed balladeer & dancer’s hat, which holds great sentimental value. Believing he looks best in shades of black, red and yellow, he can be typically recognized by that palette of colors and a stylish choice of garments; keeping up appearances at all times, no matter the state of his current financial status.



    Personality Type: ESFP

    Chayka values life and freedom above all else, and despises those who would deprive others of them. Sometimes finding himself forced to work beyond the law, yet for the law, and the greater good of both himself and the people. Absolutely not vicious or vindictive, but driven to right injustice. He responds well to higher authority until that authority attempts to use the law to hamper his ability to do good, to put it short… trustful of organizations as long as they serve his utilitarian purpose. Sure, he will follow the law, unless more good can come from breaking the law - a trait of his often exploited by someone very close to his incorporeal heart.

    Being in the center of attention comes naturally for Chayka, as it is one of the goals they seek out due to their extroverted nature. They also tend to live in the present moment, making the best of life and nurturing an optimistic outlook on the world from first glance. Described as a total blabbermouth who barely makes sense due to how verbose he can get, he is nothing short of a good listener, having an in-depth understanding of other people’s needs and wishes, to the point where they come to him simply to find comfort and relief in the guidance he offers.
    Though seen as a fun-loving, hedonistic workaholic of a skeleton who engages others in various fun activities, he will shy away from revealing his deepest thoughts and feelings to everyone. Often stressed when he has committed plans or given too much thought to something, he panics, preferring to be adaptable and spontaneous. Wanting to be the one to help others identify themselves, he feels stressed when others try to analyze his thoughts or behaviors. Things like data, financials, and inner conflicts he is unable to easily resolve tend to overwhelm him entirely, often causing rapid mood swings and days spent entirely in bed.
    For what it’s worth, Chayka still manages to juggle over sixty different careers with not too much trouble, rarely tiring himself out to the point of mental or physical exhaustion. Though he does not find entire queues lining up to pay for the services he offers, he cares not for the money earned but the satisfaction of a smooth operation, insistent on bettering himself through experience and self-taught knowledge above all.


    “Tacit Memoir”

    To obtain information about one’s past can be a difficult task, especially when the aforementioned ‘one’ would much rather talk about someone else’s history, dismissively ignoring his own harsh upbringing as something unimportant and uninteresting.

    Enter past Chayka, who was comfortably settled into his former life. Then take that away from him, and reduce him to using his talent for the lowest of criminal scum - he’s a little on the pissier side to say the least… But he was task oriented otherwise. His past dealings were exclusively among other freeminded skeletons, meaning he had little to no reason to care about associating or fitting in with any other race. They were, to him, typically seen as ‘disposable chunks of flesh’. Beyond that? Chayka was remarkably calm, not predisposed to massive mood swings or erratic behavior like most are when thrown into civilized societies.

    He gave up the goal of living a proper, peaceful life when he realized he needed money to take care of his needs and whims first; forcing himself into distancing from most of his former acquaintances and beginning to work various jobs for corrupted individuals who had the coin to pay for his loyalty and cheap services. Restlessly fulfilling promises twenty four hours a week, his emotional state only got worse, his non-existent stomach almost eating itself out - unable to hold onto the money he earned, the poor guy had barely any cash left to afford living on his own. Eventually working his way up to become somewhat 'reputable' despite his outward appearance, it was said Chayka never turned away a client; and perhaps such an attitude was his end.

    One fateful day, a previous client of his once called him to take care of his dying mother, who turned out to be a big-shot leader of a very powerful group at the time, almost begging him to come live in her luxurious mansion of a ship, for the client didn't trust anyone else but Chayka to take care of her. With such an arrangement, the skeleton had everything he ever wanted - enough money to pursue further education, as well as the funds to satisfy his aspirations and whims; which in turn made him grow a little soft. As years passed, Chayka’s treatment of the dying woman was exemplary; gentle at all times, handling her with utmost softness and care. He fed, bathed, and cared for her as if she were his own mother, someone a mindless skeleton from the Undercrypt doesn’t really have. At every moment he stayed by her side, letting her talk about her life and reminisce as much as she wanted… and he enjoyed every second of it. Not for a moment did he ever get bored or impatient, or wish he were elsewhere. For him, those final days of her life were a gift to him; treasured memories shared to him through a mutual bond of friendship and closeness. He learned of her life and all the experiences she'd had in a way her own son would never know. They connected in a way only two people can when one of them knows their light is about to go out, and for that, Chayka felt and still feels grateful. As the light left her eyes, he held her tiny palm in his own, softly caressing the skeletal structure of it as if it could shatter with the slightest wrong movement, despite possessing an entirely bony hand of his own. When she left the world, he felt a horrible sadness that would haunt him for weeks. He had only just met her, but her company had brought him so much joy. He would miss her humor, her laugh, and how she'd made him smile inside. She had felt warm on a cold day.

    She didn’t die peacefully, though - and it wasn’t until Chayka experienced what it was like to accidentally kill a seemingly innocent person that he realized he had let himself become similar to the same corrupted and forces of evil which employed him time and time again. Disturbed by the havoc he had wrought on this one person's entire family, disregarding the bloodline’s shady background, he was shaken to the core. Though he made an attempt to withdraw from all of his businesses, his current best friend, roommate and de-facto husband, Cosades, who was the only one present at the time of that elderly woman’s death, managed to convince him to move elsewhere and start anew.

    Still not quite familiar with everything the world has to offer him, he battles this confusion by taking up career after career, and business after business. From a psychotherapist to a balladeer, through a dating matchmaker and a stag film actor, fortuneteller, haberdasher, tattoo artist, Chayka did it all. Even if he is plagued by one-day college debts and the loans he took to afford various tools and materials, he barely manages to make ends meet, only being behind on house rent at times. A boredom-driven entrepreneur, all the skeleton desires is the public recognition of his talents and to help those who feel as troubled as he once was… which is probably why he introduces himself as a psychotherapist first and foremost. In the words of his closest friend-

    "Won't dare to hurt him. He's alright."

    This doesn’t stop him from being ‘not alright’ sometimes, though.

    [ o ]
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2022
  2. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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  3. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    he cant keep getting away with this
    ThatCabbage and fragrance like this.