Medical Genetic Hyper-Acclimation Therapy

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Dust and Echoes, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. Dust and Echoes

    Dust and Echoes Galactic Citizen

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Name: Genetic Hyper-Acclimation Therapy (GHAT)

    Description: A medical procedure offered by Chemical Core with the intention of medically inducing genetic acclimation to different environments.

    Abilities: A genetic therapy offered by Chemical Core. Rapidly- in several hours- induces the changes one would gain from their body acclimating slowly to a specific environment over the course of years. These changes would allow patients to immediately adapt to environments such as hyper or micro-gravity by changing bone density, as well as adapt to planets with polluted or poisonous air by altering lungs or other internal and external organs. Eyes can be changed to not suffer blindness after extended bouts in microgravity, to resist harm from planets with dangerous amounts or types of light, or to provide better perception in low-light environments. Organs, such as the liver, can be altered or replaced to better resist poisons found in local cuisine- or large amounts of alcohol. Callouses can be artificially induced and muscles density increased to assist in strenuous activities, and senses such as touch, taste, smell and hearing can be increased or decreased to suit the patient's preference.

    Limitations: GHAT procedures cannot be used to induce muscle growth, bone strength, or organ effectiveness beyond the patient's body's natural limits without replacing the part in question. Doing so comes with a hefty additional price tag as well as a chance of failure and other side effects. GHAT procedures have been noted in the past to- over time- reduce the bodies ability to adapt to environments naturally, at its most extreme the patients eyes will stop adjusting to light/dark on their own and will need to be replaced with genetic proxys. the GHAT procedure cannot be induced on Novakids, synthetic beings, or other exotic lifeforms.

    How does it work: Patients are placed in a state of deep stasis, and are placed in a sealed pod that mimics the desired environment. Genetic stimulants and other drugs are introduced into the patients system to induce and accelerate natural acclimation. Once the patient has reached the desired state, surgery is performed to induce any further required changes.

    Flavor text: Welcome to Chemical Core. Your Genetic Hyper-Acclimation Therapy Procedure will begin shortly. Please lay back in the pod and relax. Your chosen environment and other changes have been logged and prepared. Upon re-awaking from the impeding induced sleep you may feel nauseous, or have minor pain in your legs, arms, eyes and/or abdomen. This is normal. Do not be alarmed, as it will pass. The procedure will begin shortly. Please count down from ten to zero.

    Attainability: Semi-Closed (Available Through Chemical Core)

    Tags: [Civilian] [Genetic]

    Category: Medical
    Ryanatorx and Cheffy like this.
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    I can grade this. So, procedures like this that are meant to genetically modify a person to more suit a different environment already exist in the lore; however, they tend to take longer then a mere few hours, and is typically performed through multiple sessions of standard gene therapy.

    With this in mind, are you intending to app this as a sort of 'state of the art' procedure created by Chemical Core? A procedure that's notably faster, but also riskier? If that's the case, I can just slap this with a pass after a few points are clarified (namely, that the procedure still has its limits and can't just modify a human to survive intense hypergravity that would just normally crush them, or air that's too poisonous).
  3. Dust and Echoes

    Dust and Echoes Galactic Citizen

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Yes, as mentioned in the app, the procedure cannot modify an organism past their own bodies ability to naturally adapt with a certain environment, after which more invasive surgeries are required (replacing lungs with bio-engineered self-filtering versions to adapt to a planet with an incredibly poisonous atmosphere, or replacing/splicing a skeleton with strengthening materials. These replacement parts can be app’ed seperately if need be, this app is just for the initial therapy, which is- as you said- just a faster but more risky version of the existing one.
  4. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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  5. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass.