Medical Alit'riik - "Suture-worm"

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Exon, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Name: Suture-worm, Alit'riik

    Description: Consisting of a small, needle-shaped arthropod approximately the size of a large grain of rice, the Alit'riik is designed to quickly and efficiently stitch up even fairly large wounds as a first aid tool in place of a needle and thread. It functions autonomously when exposed to blood, seeking out the nearest wound and stitching it shut, dying and falling away after it finishes its work. The resulting suture, being made of organic silk, is entirely biodegradable and simply decays harmlessly on its own as the wound heals.

    Abilities: Able to stitch up moderately-sized to somewhat large wounds quickly and efficiently. Multiple can be used for larger wounds, or for a stronger application.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): Can also theoretically be activated while on clothing or other similar applications to stitch other things shut, but it will be less effective at this.

    Limitations: Sensitive to temperature and presence or absence of air. Vulnerable to heat, cold, electrical attack and other various things that would kill a small arthropod. Somewhat fragile.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional): Occasionally can get confused and tunnel into its recipient's flesh. This, while fairly harmless so long as it passes through muscle or flesh, is not comfortable and can cause problems if it finds an organ or happens to die inside. Does not activate in response to things that are not blood or are blood equivalents such as Floran sap or Legionnaire soup.

    How does it work: A small, engineered arthropod, this organism's body is almost entirely a capsule filled with a single, fairly strong organic thread, with a burrowing, ambulatory thorax and head for locomotion. It cannot eat, does not have a digestive tract, does not reproduce on its own and is generally not truly its own fully-fledged organism. Its life ends immediately when the thread reaches its end, as the very end of the thread grows attached to its miniscule brain, which is tugged out of place and destroyed when it reaches the end of its several-minute journey.

    Flavor text: The suture-worm was developed originally by the Arcoszard to act as a quick, simple method to stitch wounds on the battlefield that even a Szard warrior could understand intuitively. It has not received wide use outside of its original species, due to more reliable methods existing in the galactic market as a whole, but attempts to export and sell it offworld have been made.

    Attainability: Open. I see no reason why an offworlder shouldn't be able to get ahold of these with enough effort, though there's often little reason to.

    [Civilian], [Racial]

    Category: Medical
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
  2. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Damn I'm kinda mad I didn't think of apping stuff like this. This is really cool and creative!
    First pass!
    ThatCabbage and Exon like this.
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I have one quick question:
    How long do they live, say, in storage? Provided they're not frozen or whatever. If I were to keep a container of them for emergency use or something of the sort, how long would they survive before I need to have them replaced?
  4. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Probably a year or two, shelf life will vary by their manufacturer but will probably never break three years without some actual advances. Longer if they're frozen like you would any other organism you want to preserve live.
  5. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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