
Discussion in 'Approved' started by 9K, Dec 20, 2021.

  1. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    An example of an Eye-Eater. You can't tell that it's not just an Anteater.
    Name: Eye-Eater

    Description: The Eye-Eater is not actually related to the Anteater in any way. This creature has adapted to fool people into a false sense of security in order to strike them where they are most vulnerable, and for the meat they savor most: that of the eyes. That aside, they look exactly like a giant Anteater.

    Behavior: Docile, at least until one is within lunging distance. These animals are seemingly well aware of their close appearance to something that is seen as more docile, and they use this to their advantage. Once someone gets close to them, Eye-Eaters will leap for a person's head and use their claws to latch onto them. After that, they will use their long, suction-tube like snouts to slurp the eyeballs right out of the likely thrashing victim's head.

    Tamability: Untamable. They'll eat your eyes out of your skull the moment they get the opportunity. This though, doesn't stop some people.

    Where is it found?: Eye-Eaters are commonly found in dense forests and grasslands that have plenty of other small to medium-sized animals with edible eyes.

    Rarity: Alarmingly common.

    Diet: Eyes.

    Products: Pain, trauma, and less eyes.

    Reproduction: Sexual.

    Weight: About 70 lbs on average, fully grown.

    Lifespan: Around 20 years.

    Abilities: Very effective at eating people's eyes like soup through a straw.

    Flaws: Don't normally kill their victims, which means they are frequently killed in retaliation if they only manage to eat one eye quickly, or fail to eat any eyes. Much more likely to get away if they've eaten all of a creature's eyes. Hylotl have an advantage in this department, as they have three eyes, even if this makes them a more appetizing target.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Pending. What if I have no eyes? Can I be their friend then?
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Yes. They don't target anything without eyes. But you also cannot control their appetite for eyes, so they are technically not tamable. Bringing one out in the open to other people will result in them attempting to eat their eyes.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  4. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Ah good. Pass.
    ThatCabbage likes this.