Robotics STRONGMAN Synthetic Musculoskeletal System

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Dust and Echoes, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. Dust and Echoes

    Dust and Echoes Galactic Citizen

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Name: STRONGMAN Myomer Synthetic Musculoskeletal System

    Description: The STRONGMAN synthetic musculoskeletal system is a modern application of technology in the traditional form of biology. Rather than being simply built in the image of an organic being, the STRONGMAN system is inspired by it. Its synthetic tendons function in the same way a biological creature might, but its modern artificial materials allow it to weather- and therefore produce- exponentially more force, allowing those equipped with this system to leap several times their own height, lift several times their own weight, or perform other feats of strength and agility. These hyper-muscles function in mimicry of biological anatomy, consuming oxygen and producing lactic acid, which the system must manually exchange after periods of extended activity.

    Enhanced Performance-
    Users of the STRONGMAN system can see an immediate and noticeable increase in physical capability, relative to their body size. Most users can gain the ability to lift roughly 3 times their body weight.

    Enhanced Durability- Due to the STRONGMAN systems hyperdense musculo system, and the necessity of being durable to withstand the pressures placed upon it, users equipped with STRONGMAN systems become more durable to blunt and to a lesser extent piercing and cutting damage.

    Sprint System- Due to the STRONGMAN systems inherent use of biological constraints, users of the system must pause after periods of intense physical stress, allowing the system to manually cycle lactic acid out and oxygen in through the muscle system. This process takes about a second and manifests in a spray of yellowish mist. The system can usually go about a half hour of normal activity, or 30 seconds of strenuous activity before needing to flush again. Common output points are near the major joints such as the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows. This process cannot be completed underwater, in the void, or in any other situations where the system would be unable to intake oxygen. Failure to purge the lactic acid from the system can cause internal damage to the muscle system and the voiding of the warranty.

    All or Nothing- STRONGMAN prosthetics are not conventionally possible. Due to the systems immense power draw, and immense force output, any modern attempts to port the STRONGMAN system to prosthetic use has led to catastrophic injury of the host.

    How does it work:
    the STRONGMAN system uses patented Synapse Automation Solutions technology, fusing a manufactured, durable and lightweight skeletal structure to a series of synthetic muscle fibers that use a mix of vat-grown and manufactured components. This allows the ‘muscle’ to function as a regular muscle would, circulating synthblood, consuming oxygen and outputting lactic acid,.but with the ability to sustain much larger loads and survive higher force thresholds. The system itself is unable to regulate its inner workings perfectly however, and so as the system works, consumes oxygen and builds up acid, it must occasionally stop and manually flush its system, venting the acid and taking in oxygen.

    Flavor text:
    There was no time to register what was happening before the Scrubber gen 3 killbot was through the door. Not through the entryway, through the door, in a hail of splinters. The next 30 seconds passed swiftly as its synthetic muscular system allowed it to cover the distance across the room in a single leap, and deliver a series of bone-shattering blows without breaking stride. In the end, three squatters lay on the ground with shattered arms. The Scrubber stood over them, vented its built up lactic acid in a shower of yellowish mist, and declared the scene safe.

    Attainability: Semi-closed This technology is trademarked by Synapse Automation Solutions and is only available commercially through the attainment of their products.

    Tags: [Industrial]

    Category: [Robotics]
    Khaos, nenin, ThatCabbage and 7 others like this.
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First Pass, leaving the second pass up for the lactic acid shit as I don't know JACK about biology!
    Dust and Echoes likes this.
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Dust and Echoes likes this.