//The site appears professionally made, and features various film related graphics.A video plays of a hylotl, possibly know to you as Takashi speaking and occasionally pausing to edit video, film things and so on, effectively giving a tour of the studio in the background\\ Hello and welcome to the newly formed film company of New Vision Productions, a fresh film company dedicated to making entertainment in the fringe, for the fringe! What exactly does this entail, I hear none of you asking? Well, it means that you guys, gals and everything inbetween get to watch all the new movies we'll be making But! I can't make movies without people doing all the stuff I can't, as I'm a horrible actor, so this also means we're hiring! Please feel free to leave feedback, rude comments about my mother, dumb pictures you found on the Internet and applications to the company down below in the comments! //End video\\ --Application-- Position wantedEditor, actor, camera guy, sound guy, etc.) Age: Name: Species: Gender: Appearence: Experience: Contact Information: Notes: //Roster\\ Cameraperson: 333281 ((@Pinkbat5 ))
//An application is submitted by user ALPHA322281.// Position wanted: CAMERA Age: 4 Species: ECHO Gender: WHAT Appearance: VARIES Experience: SURVEY DRONE (4 YEARS) Contact Information: THIS NEXUS ACCOUNT // TERMINAL Notes: HELLO! //End//
//You're given a reply!// You seem qualified and eager to work, so I'd like to hire you, but I've got one question Is four considered "Mature" by echo standards? ((Also, forgot to add name to the list of things for the application.please add that?))
((name is "REDSHIRT322281")) //Reply// AGE OF MATURITY FOR ALPHA ECHOES: 1 DAY AGE OF ALPHA322281: 4 YEARS 3 MONTHS 11 DAYS //End//