Robotics PotBot Hydroponic Greenhouse Drones

Discussion in 'Approved' started by DasIrrlicht, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. DasIrrlicht

    DasIrrlicht New Arrival

    May 1, 2021
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    Dispite the humorous name and nature of the Application, it is no Joke-App.

    Name: 'PotBot' Model 420 Hydroponic Greenhouse Drone

    Based on this image:
    Usually four legged Drones, of simple programming using primitive AI for the most basic indipendentce, PotBots (as people came to call them) are essencially walking Greenhouses. The lower part of the machine is made up from a light aluminum housing and a single simple visual sensor array, powered by a internal solarium generator. The tube above this 'pot' holds usually a plant of some kind, roots directly in enhanced water, or hidden by a fabrik between the water and the flora itself. The 'tube' is ultrahydrophobicity, stopping water droplets from forming because of interior humidity. The 'lid' atop the tube has a number of grids for air cycle systems included, which are usually reserved for emergency functions. While they are likely reproduced by hobbiest, the original manufacturer has been defunct since the destruction of earth. There are however plenty of original Hydroponic Greenhouse Drones still around, of many a slightly differeing models.

    - Walking Drone, rated for movement between 5 and 10 km/h!
    - Closed-Cycle Greenhouse, able to keep a plant well for months at a time before requiring a change of water-enhancers. Depending on plant, indefinite spans possible!
    - Hydroponic, no soil required!
    - Solarium Powered, guaranteed to not run out of energyr for 6͝҉̡̢̀9̸̡̛͘͡ Years!

    Conditional Abilities:
    - Able to identify unknown plants needs (reasonable) well, ensuring their survival!
    - Can be set manually to a 'program' for specific plants, enableing optimal conditions!
    - Can be refitted for unusual conditions, including fully submerged plants!
    - Inbuild self-preservation instinct, ensures drones do not damage themself in outside service!
    - Emergency Cycle System, allows for instant or continues replacement of Air and/or Water in the 'Pot'. Easily bypassable, sometimes used to spread natural plant hallucinogenics for recreational purposes. Voids guarante if manually triggered.
    - Surprisingly hard to topple, most of the weigth is in the bottom of the drone, not the casing above.
    - Radio-Deathswitch, for simple collection, able to recieve local transmission, allowing it to be turned off remotely... If in reasonable distance.
    - Makes "Friends", has a habbit of becomming attached to clothing its simple sensors recognise, following people arround a bit before returning to their regular duty areas.

    Limitations: (
    - Comparable slow for a Drone, not faster then the average person.
    - Nearly no vertical movement, only able to use stairs in a limited fashion.
    - Unable to communicate beyond a number of error-code-beeps, quick to develop a primitive system of approving/disaproving beeps and boops. Reset suggested, since it makes error-handeling harder.
    - 'Trusting' to a fault, predisposed to assume peaceful opperation and with a memory capacity of not even a week, quick to forgive any transgressions.
    - Feels 'Pain', as part of the self-preservation instinct able to feel pain if damaged, causing fear-like effects of trying to flee if handled incorrectly. To reduce issues caused by this, will stop moving and go 'catatonic' under sufficent stress.
    - "[laugh] There's our handiwork. Shouldn't laugh, really. They do feel pain. Of a sort. All simulated. But real enough for them I suppose." ~ Unknown

    How does it work: There is little to say about its functions not already mentioned in the ability section. It is a drone made for very simple interaction and mainly serving as a decorative object to present plants with little effort. Its legs are not especially long and it keeps its underside low to the floor to reduce risk of being thrown around. It can, technically, stand up again after bing toppled, but any plantlive inside it would likely suffer from such a action. Its tendencies to make 'friends' and apparent 'emotions' are a simple sideeffect of old AI algorythms made for marketing and to reduce maintenance needs even further, but the age shows in small 'hickups' like the attempt of communication via beeps. It lacks the ability for true understanding of language however.
    The Greenhouse part is a just as simple, and robust, system. Using a varaiety of sensors to measure the health of the flora within and use internal systems to adjust values in the water to fit the plant, neither encouraging growth nor risking it falling ill and dieing. It has way less quirks then the AI, and works near indipendent of the actual Drone itself. There is a exchange of feedback, but the automated system is clearly the priority in this symbiosis of devices, being that the drone without a healthy plant atop would be without purpose.

    Flavor text: The original 'Model 420' was designed, produced and payed for mainly by humans, and in a cruel twist of fate, the company returning to their roots by leaning into the public perception of this drones 'obvious secondary customer base' was the last thing it did. The destruction of earth functionally destroyed the original manufacturer, having lost more then their financial assets, but functionally everything but the shirt they wore.
    While illegal modifications and reproductions where common before, they where now a nessesary part of this Drones existance, even if the legality has suddenly become a total non-issue, being that there was nobody challanging reproductions about ownership. Its main used where and will be decorative, being spotted within different classes of livingroom, inside spacier hospitals who want to both have plants spread around and stay sterile, and newly, in advertising campaigns by Greenheart Produce & Exotics to sell fresh bread (among other things) to people.
    Its other use is, as mentioned, a weird sub-culture. By using it with plants that poduce hallucinogenic gases, they can be collected inside the tube to be released as a single, condensed stream. Of course, this is not as legal as other applications in CivSpace, but it usually depends on the used plant. Theoretically, it would also be possible to use toxic gas producing plants in this capacity, but such a weaponisation would be highly inefficent compared to regular methods of assault.
    Given how the AI works, it is theoretically possible to hold such a drone like a pet, but it would be a pet with basically no needs and very little interaction, beating even goldfish in how boring they can be. The novelty factor of having a bot with a plant on the back as a pet would wear of within days.

    I sprited it for use on-server, even. This one is specifically for Greenheart Adverisement. Hatter-Character for scale:

    Also comming in vandalised, guarante voided, was in the wrong neighborhood version:

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: [Robotics]
  2. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    First pass.
    ThatCabbage and DasIrrlicht like this.
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass.