Ranged Armaments A.I. Assisted Self-Discarding Sabot Fin Controlled Payload Delivery System

Discussion in 'Approved' started by syntheticdeity, May 24, 2021.

  1. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    A.I. Assisted Self-Discarding Sabot Fin Controlled Payload Delivery System, or AASDSFCPDS for short. Other nicknames include: Smart Bullet, Aimbot Bullet, Why doesn’t it work at close range? and Sniper’s Best Friend.

    The AASDSFCPDS is a dart-shaped bullet with several control surfaces coming from the sides of it.

    +Adjusts its trajectory to hit target the best it can.

    +Helps track moving targets.

    =Conditional Abilities=
    +Works very well at long range.

    +Works at a very lesser extent at short range if fired at subsonic speeds.

    -Only works at mid to long range engagements unless fired at subsonic speeds.

    -Does not work with rifled barrels.

    -Doesn’t work with fully automatic weapons.

    -1 Year shelf life (Unchargable battery).

    -No, you can’t shoot people around corners.

    =Conditional Limitations=
    -The smaller the round, the more expensive it is. The microchip alone costs ~300 px, add that on to the cost of control surfaces and what the price of the regular round is.

    -Can only be manufactured at plants specifically made to create them.

    -Is only as accurate as the targeting program that programs the round.

    -Suppliers normally make them per order because of shelf life, anyone who doesn’t is a scam.

    =How does it work=
    An AASDSFCPDS round has a microchip capable of controlling the several control surfaces on each of its fins. By adjusting each of the control surfaces, the bullet corrects its trajectory mid-flight to a target. The target is found by a separate external targeting computer that can either be built into the gun itself, or inside the user’s helmet or armor. This computer transmits a data package into the round’s microchip which tells it how to move the control surfaces. However, the control surfaces still require a battery to power their motors. This battery cannot be charged, and drains after about a year so most manufacturers create these rounds to the order. In many cases scammers will sell “dud” or “dumb” rounds at somewhat lower price.

    =Flavor text=
    The AASDSFCPDS was created in 3283 by a Hylotl arms manufacturer to assassinate high-ranking Florans, and was used on several different occasions. While the actual operations that used it are still classified, what is known is that it has been successful on each operation. Several arms manufacturers now have specialized facilities to create these rounds, and the most popular customers for them are: United Systems of Humanity Armed Forces, and several “security” companies that are linked to Hylotl Yakuza activity.

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Ranged Armaments
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First pass.
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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