Open Letter to the Community

Discussion in 'News' started by zecon125, May 21, 2021.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    The staff team didn’t ever properly communicate our intentions for the psionics system; The loremasters went into it with an idea in mind- That it remain at least thinly veiled from the wider public- drawing on inspiration from various shows, games, what have you. We however, neglected to realize, or lost in the many rewrites, that their original view was not properly explained to those who would be using it. We neglected the many shows, games, and comic books where such a thing is studied proudly and publicly, and put to use in very open settings. This was the intention from the get go, we just got so lost in our inspirations that we didn't consider for a second it needed to be stated.

    This issue was only ever further inflamed by the introduction of various antagonist forces in-character that were aimed at censoring the existence of them to the public, which in turn made proving that psionics is real into an engaging plot line that many were and are excited to follow, as well as the recent grandiose events and plots like that surrounding Giorno, giving way to a strong drive in the server’s IC population to do the right thing.

    But as it stands the lore team behind psionics has decided that it should not be allowed to become something that the major factions of the Fringe acknowledge publicly, both because of the repercussions it would have IC (See Nomad’s recent lore explanation for that) and because it would ruin the desired themes Psionics is supposed to play with.

    Though we don’t intend for it to ever become public knowledge, it being an open secret amongst IC populations has never really been an issue- Most psions tell their friends upon realizing it, and some can’t be properly hidden in any respect. Doing the right thing is possible in many avenues, just not the most extremely open ones.

    The staff team will not stop characters from crafting big revelations to the public, but results from NPC populations will be largely underwhelming.- We won't ever stop PCs from believing in Psionics if the author thinks they'd buy it, but it is intentionally a hard sell to the common man.
  2. nenin

    nenin New Arrival

    Apr 11, 2021
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    my take, idk if you'd want it here, but:

    i'd really try to tie this into IC consequences. Haven/Atlas'd put down stuff like this down because any big talk draws attention from huge Civspace powers they can't afford to deal with. characters that reveal it to the public risk detection by not just Haven/Miniknog etc. this is publicly known, so most people still believe it as per vittoria's report, but they're pressured into denying it
    Pinkbat5 and ThatCabbage like this.
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I really like this take and this is personally how I'd like to see it done. I know some staff are reluctant because saying "the miniknog will super kill you if you talk about this!!" feels even more overbearing on players, but I think stronger IC reasons to keep quiet are needed.
    I think I'm going to try to do something like this in my own time if I have the motivation.
  4. nenin

    nenin New Arrival

    Apr 11, 2021
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    If you need any help lmk. It seems like a cool angle to work off of.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.