// The Ballad of September Oxium//

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Ryanatorx, May 20, 2021.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Anonymously posted is a series of scans from a leather-bound journal, including the cover, which reads:

    "This is the Account of September Oxium, the Fastest Gun in the Fringe."

    What follows within is first mostly just a few random adventures. Then the meeting of Nuvvox and Septembers falling in love. He has a wife, and a child. Then another character, well known across the Fringe, enters the story. Rose Avalice.

    The story quickly deteriorates and intensifies from there, September growing more and more restless as Rose seems to do her best as antagonize him at every turn, and take control of his new family. It documents their frequent fights, Septembers worries about his wife and child, and about Roses mental state. This continues to get worse, leading to Septembers eventual murder, and non-consensual rebirth. The fastest gun in the Fringe, a novakid, is forcibly placed into a mechanical body after being murdered. This strips him of his greatest gift, and his ability as a gunslinger.

    The handwriting from here on out is incredibly shaky, and hard to read at times, which he notes as being a problem with his right hand post-resuscitation. From here on out is just a series of depressive episodes, Septembers work with Atlas in the reclamation, his separation from his wife and child, and eventual disappearance. The last time he saw his family was before leaving on that contract, with Rose and little choice.

    The final note is somber, and almost illegible.

    "I am going to take my own life. This world ain't right for me no more, and I can't think a better way t' go. Fitting that the only one I ever lost a gunfight to would be myself."
    SilverGallium, Khaos, Roren and 6 others like this.
  2. elroy21

    elroy21 Arrival of New Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Anonymous user No. 10580102944 replies. //

    I hope this is fiction.
  3. ThatCabbage

    ThatCabbage Galactic Citizen Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // D19923 Replies. //
    Should have gotten help instead of braining himself. What a waste of a good shot.
  4. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ((I have become OOCly aware that there is a possibly important set of details not included in the original post. The post was a full scan of September Oxium's journal, which also included a legend. Perhaps these pages were placed especially at the front, with the rest of the journal included as an addendum. Even so, I will be correcting this now.))

    "The Song before the Tragedy"

    He was born and raised with a small constellation of Novakid traders. He does not remember his parents, but remembers having a large amount of freedom aboard the ship, and being regaled with stories of adventure across the stars.

    Years passed and eventually he found himself with a crew of less well-to-do “traders”. He and his crew where examining a passing ships cargo for ‘safety reasons’ when September came across it. The ship was small, poor and his crew mates found little for their trouble. The young Novakid however, discovered one of the older crew members clutching a weapon. September knew the fool wasn’t an idiot enough to use it, and so moved to retrieve it for himself, despite the old mans begging and cursing at him not too.

    The gun was magnificent, beautiful, and September felt enraptured by it. What was such a strange, unique thing doing on a ship like this? Surely it would sell for a high price or...or he could keep it for himself. Concealing his prize from the rest of his crew, the Novakid made to leave when the old man jumped him, attacking him with his bare hands in an attempt to reclaim his lost prize, and September was forced to kill him. One of the quickest and most precise shots he ever made in his life, it unsettles him even to this day.

    Upon returning to civilization, September took the gun to be appraised, but the local merchant warned him against selling it, not even giving him a price. “You’ve got something special there, nova. It came to you, don’t throw it away.” Upon requesting an explanation, the merchant gave home one. Another half of the key, an ancient treasure, and old legend. A fire was lit inside September- besides the physical one. The treasure would be his, he decided. But first, he had to hunt down the second half of the key.

    Several more years pass, September searching far and wide, driven by an inner fire he had never experienced before, some force driving him on long past when he would normally give up and move on. And now, finally, his hunt has brought him to the fringe, an intuition telling him that he’s closer than he ever has been before to his goal...

    The Legend of the Red Sun

    Long ago, far, far away there was a legendary gunslinger who wielded a pair of pistols, the Red Sun and the Blue Moon. He was undefeated, invincible, the fastest, most accurate, most heroic vigilante to ever live. The criminals who met their end at the end of his twin weapons are uncountable, and those that owe him their lives are equally numerous.

    However, the time came that he was too old to continue his heroic lifestyle. And so he gave his weapons to his two sons, one to each, and disappeared into the wilderness, never to be seen again.

    Unfortunately, his two sons where not like him, the wielder of Red Sun using his fathers skills to become a terrifying intergalactic warlord, his ship and bloodthirsty crew feared throughout the systems. The wielder of the Blue Moon used his fathers knowledge for craft a vast pirate empire, robbing and stealing so much wealth that it filled a thousand cargo haulers.

    Finally, unbeknownst to the other, the two brothers faced off, their crews and forces clashing with one another, and the two brothers- now unrecognizable- dueled inside their mighty flagship. Some say the Red Sun killed the Blue Moon that day, some say it is the other way around. Regardless, the remaining brother realized their mistake too late, and with every other combatant of the tremendous battle dead, they where left with their brothers body, and the weight of what they had done.

    Consumed with sorrow, the remaining brother took all the ships, all the wealth and weapons and spoils the two had collected and locked them away in a massive, hidden vault. The twin guns of their father would be the only key, and these he cast to opposite sides of the universe, never- he hoped- to be reclaimed.

    And with this final act, the brother allowed sorrow to consume him and he died at the gate of the massive vault he constructed.