Name: Shock Sphere Description: A spherical ball shaped item that has a pin that when pulled turns on a timer which activates electric charge after a certain amount of time. Abilities: Causes muscle contractions and extreme pain to non lethally stop an assailant. Conditional Abilities (Optional): -It can overload computer systems or power cells on occasion. -Limitations: The devices only work on contact with a target. -The device has a one time use and cannot be reused. Conditional Limitations (Optional): If not cared for properly the device can become faulty and damage the user at a random time. How does it work: When you pull a pin on the device it starts a timer for a certain amount of time (which can be set) and after the timer has stopped it activates the electric charge. Small rods extend from certain spots on the sphere which are extremely conductive. On contact with a target the device clings to their body and sets off a high voltage and low amperage causing electricity to move to the core of their body and cause muscle contractions and extreme pain. It is an alternative to lethal force. Flavor text: A spherical casing that when activated and thrown, causes damage to a large area. Referenced Technologies (Optional): None Attainability: The device was first made by Shade tech and is only obtainable if it is bought from ShadeTech or crafted yourself. Tags: Explosives Category: Ranged Armaments How will this improve RP?: The device can give people a non lethal option when it comes to throwables. (If there are any mistakes please help me to improve this.)
Description: They are custom grenades that have certain effects as one uses them. They are small in size and create an area explosion of about 10 feet by 10 feet. All of these explosives have a chance to go off randomly oif not cared for properly while in character such as dropping them off a building and trying to use it, or trying to re-use casings for the explosives. Current Types: The current types I have made are Electric Grenades, regular explosives, acidic grenades, and nail bombs. Common Grenade: A normal explosive that creates a blast of heat powerful enough to blow apart low tier materials. (This is basically a normal grenade.) Electric Grenades: These grenades create an area explosion delivering High Voltage and low Amperage to the body, causing muscle contractions and extreme pain. (The electric grenade only has an area of 6 blocks by 6 blocks to balance it out since it effectively stuns the assailant.) Acidic Grenades: These grenades send out a mixture of water and Hydrogen Ions allowing the acid to melt through weaker metals. It also has the ability to spread toxic gasses burning lungs if inhaled. (The Acid would only be able to melt through materials below Durasteel to balance it) Nail Bombs: These are bombs producing an explosion with enough force to send sharp projectiles in multiple directions to cause severe damage. (The Nail bombs would have a larger area of effect do to the nail projectiles.) (If there are any mistakes please help me to improve this.)
/profile/235-puglife43vr/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="235" href="/profile/235-puglife43vr/">@PugLife43vr Hi, I'll be handling the grading of this app. Two things. How does the electricity contained in the grenade travel through in an area? Secondly, could you perhaps add an image to show what one may look like? ~ Pending ~
I changed the name to Shock Spheres instead of a Shock Grenade. I realized that in one of my limitations that I said it only works on contact and decided to keep it.
Alright cool. /profile/235-puglife43vr/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="235" href="/profile/235-puglife43vr/">@PugLife43vr This gets a pass. Awaiting secondary approval.
Seconded yo /profile/4-privatenomad/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="4" href="/profile/4-privatenomad/">@PrivateNomad /profile/235-puglife43vr/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="235" href="/profile/235-puglife43vr/">@PugLife43vr