Other Omphalos-Nexus Network Tunnel

Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Omphalos-Nexus Network Tunnel (ONN Tunnel)

    Description: An ONN Tunnel is a device that allows Nexus communication from hyperspace utilizing the Omphalos, the hyperspace equivalent of the Nexus, as a network to tunnel encapsulated data through. An ONN Tunnel interface is typically a device installed into a ship’s tachyonic communication module, utilizing an attached Visi-Digital Network Interface to send tachyonic signals using Omphalos protocols which are received by relays in hyperspace.

    • Allows for transdimensional communication to the Nexus while travelling in hyperlanes.
    • Low bandwidth, making it difficult to upload and download large amounts of data. Data streams such as those required for operating proxies are essentially impossible.
    • Higher latency due to travel time and reliance on Visitant Administration hypertunnels in order to pass data between hyperspace and realspace.
    • More complex forms of data (images and videos, for example) will be slightly warped from mistakes made by Visitant network alphas translating the data.
    • Transdimensional teleportation isn’t possible.
    How does it work: A Visi-Digital Network Interface is interfaced with a ship’s tachyonic communications module, allowing the interface to transmit tachyonic data that is received by Omphalos tachyonic relays maintained by the Golden Dawn Covenant. Transmitted data is encapsulated as is around protocols utilized by the Omphalos, tunneled through the Omphalos and through transdimensional comms already utilized by the Visitant Administration, before finally reaching another VDN interface that sends or receives data out into the greater Nexus. Because it is a peer-to-peer tunnel, encapsulated data isn’t exposed to public Omphalos endpoints (therefore not pissing off the Aindivi Consortium).

    Flavor text: After the development of the VDN interface by a team consisting of Catia de Guanciale, Sidero Iscariot, Lee Jackson, and GREENSTAR.00AQT6.ζ, Catia would utilize funds from her Bright Award to found a start-up company that would develop and commercialize products using the VDN interface, such as the ONN tunnel. The target market would be naval fleets and spacers that would benefit greatly from being able to use the Nexus while travelling in hyperspace.

    Referenced Technologies: VDN Interface, the Omphalos

    Attainability: Semi-Closed - An ONN tunell device can be purchased from the (currently unnamed) company that sells them. They must be installed into a ship’s tachyonic comms module.

    Tags: Civilian

    Category: Other
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    first pass.
    Exon likes this.
  3. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    second pass fuck you nomad
    Exon likes this.