The Atlas Corporation. [/b]Atlas has recently received notice that the warehouses on Corrav, previously secured from outside contact have been invaded by a seemingly-coordinated force of unknown origins. The attackers managed to get through all layers of protection in most of the establishments and began raiding shipping containers meant to be sent to Lapetus before the quarantine. The containers were believed to be carrying weapons for the upcoming assault on Olympus, which Haven is said to help in. [/b] [/b]Since Vonn Quinn's ban on Atlas robots, the facilities quickly fell to the horde of attackers. It is presumed they have gained access to Atlas weaponry.[/b] [/b]// Video footage is attached of a mass of Atlas guards firing upon a group of quickly-advancing figures, the lights had been cut in the facility, all that is available are the bright beams of red lasers and the short bursts of visibility that follow them, slowly the amount of white-armored people dwindles before the video is cut. No robots were present. The video cuts. //[/b] [/b]Robotic soldiers have long since been banned by Vonn Quinn from operating on Haven, Atlas is unable to send reinforcements to help deal with this outbreak because of this.[/b] [/b]Lloyd, who serves as High Atlas is quoted saying:[/b] [/b]"I keep telling them that this is going to happen, that Haven isn't safe but I still see people sitting there like nothing is wrong. It's almost like they want this shit to happen to them, just line up in front of the shredder because it's not like you can go anywhere else, right? Aren't there countless other worlds other than just than Haven that are currently not under threat of invasion by god-knows-what? Fucking hell."[/b]
// 'Srina' // Terrible times are coming when the dysfunctional self-proclaimed 'beacon of the free world' lets their paranoia take control over logic and reason.
[font='Courier New', Courier, monospace]// Grand Protector Von Quinn leaves a response. //[/font] [font='Courier New', Courier, monospace]The Haven Federation will send the Atlas Corporation's stolen assets back to Calypso Station once the infection is dealt with in full.[/font]
//NiteNite leaves a reply// What the heck? Is this gonna go on like the zombie movies? Lol. Personally I wouldn't be worried about the attacks. Haven has security and most of the people there can protect themselves. But in all seriousness Von Quinn needs to stop kidding himself, and add robotic security to the facilities. You're letting people's lives be taken when you have options. //END//
// DHAVE replies "oh yeah lol yeah you ten million+ people should just move and leave behind your generational home, i'm an absurdly rich plutocrat so if i can do it you all should be able to too"
//Dochtor responds...// It would be ill-advised to allow the situation to exacerbate any further without making a definitive move against these forces. Not only that, but do you think that an entity such as this will only stop at Haven? If they have access to advanced weaponry and space travel technology, then it's very unlikely that they will just mind their own business and stay in the Corrav district. What would happen to Atlas if other planets started getting attacked by a rabble of filthy goons bearing their flag, I wonder? The clock is ticking. Every second you dwindle away potentially marks the end of another life in your precious city.
//User dd3249 leaves a comment.// Why did you let your facility run for this long in a literal warzone, you should have packed up and left ages ago //End//
// Lloyd leaves a reply.[/b] "Packing up and leaving would be much easier when a quarantine was not in effect. Especially one that was not even mentioned to anybody. Would have pulled out if I had the chance."[/b]
//User S.A.M. replies// We are doomed. We have this "shifter virus" in Haven which made it hard for my friend to hangout with me since the underground tree was were we would hang out is infected. On top of that there is the Ruin who will kill us all unless it is somehow stopped.
//H2K3v2 replies// AXIOS has a solution for you, if you wouldn't mind working with us for this. Perfect opportunity to test a system we've been refining.