Last Activity:
Mar 14, 2020
Oct 18, 2019
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Jan 14, 1998 (Age: 26)


New Arrival, 26

BoxWithAHat was last seen:
Mar 14, 2020
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  • About

    Jan 14, 1998 (Age: 26)
    General Information

    First name: Toch
    Surname: Rune
    Age: Unknown (assumed early 20's)
    Date of birth: Unknown
    Race: Avian
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Lesbian
    Current residence: An unnamed, damaged ship orbiting an unknown planet. Lucky for her, the teleporter is still very functional
    Relationship status: Single, Open
    Social status: Stranger to all
    Financial standing: What is this "money" you speak of?

    Traits of Voice

    Accent (if any): American
    Language spoken: English
    Other languages known: Latin
    Style of speaking: Soft, sometimes sing-songy, medium-to-high pitch
    Volume of voice: Usually quiet, pitch usually increases with volume

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 138 lbs
    Eye color: Jade green
    Feather color: Light blue
    Shape of face: Blue-jay
    Distinguishing features: Despite blue-jay beak and crest, her coloration is lacking any black whatsoever, with just a white "muzzle" and belly
    Build of body: Hourglass
    Complexion: Vivid
    Posture: Swayback
    Tattoos: Black "rising phoenix" long-term temporary tattoo printed onto back (Doesn't wash off, but will be lost with feathers)
    Piercings: None
    Typical clothing: Cobalt blue tee shirt with yellow star on chest, khaki short shorts (she prefers just a really long tee but she can't wear that in public)
    Is seen by others as: Surprisingly well-kept for someone with so little money


    Likes: Pajamas, comic books, adventuring, her A.I. friend A.V.I.A.N., camping out, swimming
    Dislikes: Hot weather, wearing armor, driving/piloting, television. Also gets nervous around Florans but does her absolute best to hide it
    Education: Well educated, but doesn't remember where she learned.
    Fears: Florans, some spiders (for example, orb weavers are scary to her, but not tarantulas)
    Personal goals: Discover her past... and possibly her future
    General attitude: Optimistic, curious, adventurous, friendly and outgoing
    Religious values: Agnostic
    General intelligence: Mostly average, however, she's quite good at telling how things work after getting a good enough look
    General sociability: Very sociable, and is willing to step outside of her comfort zone


    Illnesses (if any): Mild astigmatism (undiagnosed)
    Allergies (if any): Deathly allergic to Amoxicillin (undiagnosed)
    Sleeping habits: Seems to function well off less sleep than usual (about 5 1/2 to 6 hours)
    Energy level: Slightly above average, but spreads it out over the day instead of acting very energetic
    Eating habits: Has a habit of eating on the go. Favorite food is veggie burgers
    Memory: No memory of life before "awakening" (see below), good memory after
    Any unhealthy habits: Sometimes disregards safety equipment


    On a small moon orbiting a lifeless planet, a small team of researchers discovered some strange tomb hidden under the surface. Ancient advanced tech (similar in design to the Ark - grey stone and blue glowing accents) powered a set of three strange stone "caskets", sitting at 45 degree angles against the back wall under a mural of a phoenix. The left casket had its lid laying on the floor shattered, revealing a freezing, empty interior. The right one remained sealed, as if strong magnets or a locking mechanism left the lid in place. And the middle tomb stayed closed as well, until one of the researchers approached, and the blue lights on the lid went off, leaving the lid to slide onto the floor. A cryogenically frozen Avian was inside, and she was taken by the researchers to be resuscitated on their ship.

    She awoke remembering nothing of her past, and decided she would set out to learn more of it. She was gifted a small ship to return to the research base, but she was attacked and robbed by space bandits on her way there. She locked herself in the teleporter to stay safe. The ship's thrusters were too damaged for the bandits to commandeer, so they took her guns, any money she had, and whatever else there was to take, and left.

    Toch has given herself an Avian-sounding nickname she found in a comic book (one of many that were on the ship she was given), while her last name is a nickname given by the researchers, on account of the strange rune that was on the lid of her casket.


    Parents: Unknown
    Siblings: Two, names and genders unknown (One remains in their casket in the Tomb of the Phoenix, while the other's location is unknown)
    Any enemies: None (yet)
    Children: None
    Friends: Dr. Jodruce (Male Apex scientist from the research group that discovered the Tomb of the Phoenix)
    Best friend: A.V.I.A.N.
    Love interest: None (yet)


    Peaceful or violent: Peaceful, will not kill other people (monsters are fair game though)
    Weapon: None (yet)
    Style of fighting: Akimbo


    Occupation: Unemployed
    Current home: Ruined ship
    Favorite types of food: Veggie burgers, on-the-go food (granola bars, trail mix, etc)
    Favorite types of drink: Fruit juice (especially apple juice)
    Hobbies/past times: Adventuring, reading comic books
    Guilty pleasures: Skinny-dipping
    Pet peeves: Rope burn. For some reason she gets it a lot when adventuring
    Pets: None
    Talents: Parkour, treasure hunting
    Favorite colors: Cyan and Cobalt
    Favorite type of music: Some types of electronic, especially Chillhop, LDnB, Electro Swing, Chiptune, and Synthwave