Fluffty Fluff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Teldrassil, May 31, 2020.

  1. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    It’s the morning and your character has just gotten a call...

    They’ve got the whole day off work! Fully paid! What do they do with that time?
  2. Randy

    Randy Galactic Commoner

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Lorch probably would crank up the music that he always plays softly in the morning, strip back to his underwear and just lay back down on the the bed to doze off until later. Rainy day: Stay inside, invite someone over go visit someone, play games, watch a movie, read a book. Normal / sunny day: Go out for a stroll, do yoga in the park, drink tea at a tea house, going out with either of his parents, socializing and things alike. In the late afternoon, he'd prepare a luxurious meal for himself (and his guests), since he's got the time to do all the preparing.

    Archeus would take it easy at first, with a newspaper and an omelette, then plan a random workout session and then work on one of his miniature projects. As big and grumpy as he may be, he does enjoy spending time on those little projects. He keeps himself occupied until his favorite TV shows are on and then forgets all about the time. Not feeling like cooking, he'd take out a microwave meal and eat it.

    Amanda would see this as the perfect opportunity to spend her time wisely. She'd take out her jogging clothes and run a few laps after a quick breakfast. She spends the rest of her day cleaning, tending to her herbs, working on her hoverbike and if there's some time left after housekeeping, she'd sit down with a good book and glass of tea.

    Bradley would spend this time with his family. He'd prepare a large breakfast for his boyfriend and son and spend the morning doing chores around the house and being with his family. He'd probably arrange a little hike through a forest somewhere outside Margury or a trip to one of Margury An's villages.

    Ro'di, if the rest of the household (Bradley is his father) still had to work, would take over some of the chores and spend the rest of his time being out and about.

    Constance Welton would let herself get pampered more than ever and turns the rest of her day into a relax and wellness day, she'd spend some time with her many cats, Alistair, Lillian, Alfonso, Sir Brimsworth, Stella and Lancelot and would go out to look for a worthy chess opponent.

    Lawrence Welton would go out to find something interesting to do, for he'd grow bored quickly without work. He'd probably end up in a bar, waiting for something to happen. If nothing occurs, he'd probably make a fuss about something to someone just to get some kind of snarky reaction in return.
  3. ThatCabbage

    ThatCabbage Galactic Citizen Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Diana Cilvay "19923" would wake up on her bathroom floor, shove some dirty clothes under her head, and go back to sleep for a few hours. Then she'd shower, and try to figure out what she was trying to build in her workshop last night. Once she's sure she won't blow a hole in her ship, she'll wonder what to do with her free time, panic at the thought of not doing anything, and force herself to work on something anyway so she doesn't go nuts.

    Diana Cilvay "19926" would wake up, look at her phone, realize she doesn't have anything to do, and go back to sleep. She'll sleep the whole day away only to wake up in the middle of the night and head out for a moonlit walk around the city, hoping something dangerous will happen or that she'll get dragged into some hijinks, even if she does enjoy the loneliness.

    Jessica Navarro
    would wake up, look at her phone, and then immediately call the station to make sure they know she'll be ready to head in to work should they need her later during the day. With that done, she'd get in her civilian clothing, conceal carrying her gear in a handbag, and head to the park to relax under the sun.

    Avaline Blankscreen Korvand / Ellie would use her newfound free time to work on some personal project, probably picking up an instrument and recording some songs for herself or baking something for her and her sister to enjoy.

    Evelyn Blankscreen Korvand / Lilly would use this opportunity to play Blockcraft for a while before heading out to buy the materials she'd need to set up some hilarious and totally not life threatening 'pranks', or steal them if she's in a daring mood.

    Princess Genocide would buy some food from the local grocer, cook a bunch of meals, and then try to find homeless people, vagrants, abandoned pets and other people down on their luck and share a meal and a heartfelt corefelt talk shout with them.
    SilverGallium, Khan333 and Teldrassil like this.
  4. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    If Caleb got a day off from Stùiricke's - his first job - he'd probably go over to R&G HQ - his second job - and work the same amount of time there that he would've spent at the former's (for context, he works morning hours at Stùiricke's and afternoon-evening hours at R&G). He's just an extra pair of hands on the shop floor and occasionally gets to tailor a custom order (like he was hired to do) at the former, but is full-blown co-owner of the latter and everything he does there aligns with his favorite hobbies and passions (as opposed to like, one or two things at Stùiricke's that do the same). Now if Robin for some reason ever overruled him, and made him take time off from both, he'd just go home and do the same things he does on the weekends - fantasize about all sorts of home renovations he could be making to his house, then never actually do any of them because by the time he's actually got a plan written down, it's dark out, and when he wakes up the next morning, he's either forgotten what he was going to do and just repeats the cycle (Sunday morning) or has to got to work (Monday morning). Of course, there's always the additional variable that a friend or loved one will ask to visit, or he'll get the idea to get them to visit him first, and that pretty much eats away his entire day whenever it happens. Lorch? D26? Robin? The list goes on.

    Cipher on the other hand is a lot more simple; he'd either go tinker in his workshop until he's too tired to keep his eyes open, or he'd drive a bit east of where he lives and go fishing in the only lake on Sanctus near him that he knows about. That second one - fishing - is something he's only started doing recently, fun fact.

    Rubigo would be outright sad, since he works at an offscreen hospital location as a janitor along side his friend Emiko, and he absolutely loves to clean. It'd be one thing if he just couldn't come into work, but it'd be another if Emiko could, leaving him home alone. That being said, he'd probably go for a walk around the woods where he lives, or just visit his neighbors to pass the time.

    The rest of my characters are unemployed currently.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2020
    Teldrassil likes this.
  5. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Rose is retired, but if she had a day off from taking care of her kids, she would take a much-deserved break and get absolutely hammered for one night.

    Sapphire would literally just sleep. All day.

    Fenyang would spend the day with his family, as he doesn't get to talk to them very much. Moon, on the other hand, would be sleeping. Cats sleep a lot, even deadly night lynxes.

    Broker would spend the day at home, reading a good book. As ominous and shady as he portrays himself, he is still an elderly glitch.

    Lange's Ghost would remove itself from this plane of existence, and travel elsewhere.
    SilverGallium and Teldrassil like this.
  6. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Goraznyce - Plotting his next evil scheme, of course! Nothing more, nothing less. That, and of course having fun with his various pets (including his VOLF ARMY).
    Lesslyn - Lesslyn doesn't take days off like that, but she tends to spend her moulting time in a private room in some spa off in Rendera, keeping herself realized while she's forced to be free of her daily feather-dying rituals. She gets... actually very cranky without them.
    Barter - Barter has no job, and would do what they do every day. Take, and trade.
    Moirai - Probably bothering Kane a lot. She enjoys talking to him, even if most of the conversations Moirai have tend to list towards being absolutely infuriating to the person she's talking to. That being said, she could get some fun out of boxing from time to time. She's a lot of old hobbies she needs to rekindle.
    Ahdran - A long, hot bath and a long day of simple relaxation. He's the sort to binge Netflix and then start theory-crafting for the next season the second she. Besides that they're fond of eating out.
    Zenith - A long day of powered-off relaxation. Something akin to sleep for the near-robot.
    Grug - Eat, eat, eat, sleep, sleep, sleep. It's a simple, but hedonistic lifestyle.
    Kohi - Sleeping in a nice, cold gutter as he binges on gas station sushi and watches old YouTube videos on someone's phone- Not his phone, he stole this one.
    Dimitri - Watching rom-coms and crying at them, every, single, time. That and repairing-slash-modifying his ship.
    Peep - Sharpening his swords, doing general maintenance, and playing games with Lophi!
    Arlington - Oh? Hm? No no, adventuring isn't a /job/ it's a /lifestyle/. He does this for fun. Has he ever told you about that time he killed a hundred-handed worm singlehandedly?
    ??? - Kicking back, relaxing, being free of the Ark! Simple things, really.
    Veiled Voyager - Checking his memos and finding some new person to harass with questions. Belle was fun. Perhaps John Doe could finally get him on that Chess game...
    Orbiter - Talking idly with whoever will give them the time of day! He likes asking a lot of questions.
    Brasit - Binging classic horror movies good and bad, as well as working on his pet projects- A lot of phase matter creations resting in his laboratories, you know.
    Alistair - Honestly? A nice massage could really de-stress him. He's too strung up most of the time.
    Todd - Sleeping is a 'quality' 'past-time!'
    Vise - Driving the Lichewagon across the landscape of Baldr's Sanctum, and playing chits with anyone foolish enough to take him on.
    Lkzi - Trying out various new restaurants, leaving reviews on the Nexus, and trying to find the best new dishes it can. Then watching Seinfeld all night.
    Ordnance - Just... relaxing. Somewhere in the dark. Somewhere he can't be seen. Crying over everything he's ever done.
    The Hermit - When you have no job, every day is like this. The Inheritors provide him enough entertainment and hope to keep going.
    Jari - Not sure, really! Jari does like drawing, but he'd probably play games with the folks around him. He's a personable sort, and he's picked up checkers recently.
    Parietus Marrow - Re-dusting his furniture, for a start. Beyond that? He's got to practice his trap-laying, his old foes are starting to get better then him.Then ball-room dancing, gardening for belladonna, and sword fighting- Then all three at once. Goodness, where'd all the time go?
    ??? - Reading.
    Blubby - ...Crying.
    Thorn - Thorn's idea of relaxing is sitting somewhere completely still, and letting his wounds heal over as he chugs various boozes through his port- That, and listening to Tunes Across Cold Dunes, that music is damn good.
    Marquis - Torturing ANY of Endii's characters, then any senator, in that order.
    GARF - Breaking into someone's house and relaxing- Before being chased out, eventually.
    Rat Girl - Rat games with other rats, and stealing foodstuffs from grocery stores and skittering out the back door like a feral creature.
    PROSECUTIVEGOD - Reviewing various old recordings of his many, many, victories in the court rooms as he sucks up the nutrients his dumb, inefficient body doesn't get from sunlight.
    Warygaze - Practicing his singing and painting, as well as checking out various new opera houses, and visiting old ones.
    SIMULACRA - GAMES GAMES GAMES. Speed-running to beat out Red Horizon on a lot of cases.
    John Law - Sleeping, really. Poor guy doesn't get enough. As well as listening to radio-dramas and soap operas with his mother. Old girl needs some love too, big as she is.
    Ernesto - Ernesto doesn't see his job as a job, he quite enjoys gardening! He lives in his shop, after all.
    Jeremy - Chasing Dave around the entire citadel like a cat chasing a mouse, before grabbing him up in those strong talons and lifting him to the sky like some sort of crustacean of the heavens.
    ??? - Organizing its various trinkets.
    The Flaming Man - Sitting back to catch up on recent news and sniping people on the nexus version of Ebay for collector's item books, mostly.
    The Gamely Reaper - Hunting? Duh! Old boy loves the thrill of the hunt, be them sentient or be them feral.
    ??? - No Comment
    Randy and Teldrassil like this.
  7. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Mir: Mir... wouldn't really know what to do if he had time off work... He enjoys the time he spends working on engineering projects, and it's one of his favorite things to do... If he had a day off, he'd... I guess he might call up a few friends and hang out with them?
    SilverGallium and Teldrassil like this.
  8. Endiie

    Endiie Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 30, 2017
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    zecon125 likes this.
  9. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    It is what it is.