General Information First name: Zyra Middle name(s): N/A Surname: N/A Age: 25 Date of birth: October 29th, 3259 Race: Human Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Current residence: Her ship Relationship status: Single Social status: Financial standing: Has enough to get by without a job for a little while Traits of Voice Accent (if any): N/A Language spoken: English Other languages known: Style of speaking: Eloquent, soft Volume of voice: Low-Medium Volume Physical Appearance Height: 5'10" Weight: 135 Eye color: Hazel Skin color: White/tan Shape of face: Slightly round Distinguishing features: Build of body: Slim, but muscular Hair color: Red Hair style: Ponytail Complexion: Posture: Straight Tattoos: Piercings: Typical clothing: Full armor/Thin Armor Is seen by others as: Strong Personality Likes: Strawberries Dislikes: Celery Education: N/A Fears: Eclypse Corporation Personal goals: Destroy the Elcypse Corp. General attitude: Kind, but can be hostile and scary in certain situations Religious values: N/A General intelligence: Very high General sociability: Ehh Health Illnesses (if any): Allergies (if any): Sleeping habits: 6 hours of sleep every night Energy level: Normal Eating habits: Healthy, three meals a day Memory: Impeccable Any unhealthy habits: History Zyra was born into the Eclypse Corporation, a corporation dedicated to controlling as many planets as possible, she was trained since birth as a warrior, known in their terms as a White Knight, the third tier of Knights in the Corporation. She was sent to capture a child whose mother stole an ancient relic from Eclypse Corp. and passed on to her before the Corp. killed her mother. The child was protected by the residents of the planet she was on and drove Zyra away. When she went back to base, she discovered the the Corporation wasn't what she thought it was, they planned to use the power of the relic to take over planets and kill anyone in their way, angry, she killed another White Knight and stole a ship to travel back to the planet the child was on, and apologized to everyone, swearing to protect the child and relic. They all eventually became close over time, but Eclypse Corp. sent a Black Knight, and he killed everyone and took the relic, Zyra just barely escaped with her life, and now she has even more reason to fight the Eclypse Corporation Relationships Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Any enemies (and why): Eclypse Corp. (Was explained in the history part Children: N/A Friends: N/A Best friend(s): N/A Love interest (if there is one): Combat Peaceful or violent: Peaceful, when not provoked Weapon (if applicable): Energy blade (That is broken right now) Style of fighting: Melee Others Occupation: N/A Current home: Her ship Favorite types of food: Fruit Favorite types of drink: Water Hobbies/past times: Read Guilty pleasures: N/A Pet peeves: N/A Pets: N/A Talents: Combat Favorite colors: N/A Favorite type of music: