Name: Mothroes Description: Mothroes are massive moth-like creatures that roam the Garlen Highlands; their huge wings allow them easy flight and they have strong chitin on the front and sides of their body, but an exposed underbelly. They have pincers that can produce a massive force, and many can also spit acid. Behavior: Mothroes are highly predatory - when searching for food, they will fly around, swoop down, and collect their prey. Their large eyes allow them incredible vision that allows them to easily locate prey. They will carry their prey to their nests, where they will promptly devour them. They usually make their nests in dark places such as the shadows of overhangs or the opening of caves, and will attack at night as nocturnal predators. They can also spit acid at prey to soften them for easier chewing. Chew chew. Tamability: Mothroes are generally difficult to tame given their size and predatory nature. One could be tame if grown from an egg, or if one managed to capture an adult Mothroe and feed it in captivity. Where is it found?: The Garlen Highlands, particularly in the Astral Range. They will often make their nests in dark places. Rarity: Uncommon Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Chew chew Products?: The wings are very lightweight and strong, allowing one to create a glider out of them. In addition, they produce a lot of insect meat. Reproduction: Mothroes reproduce sexually, females laying a cluster of six to eight eggs in their nests in dark places. Eggs will hatch after two months into larvae, which will create massive cocoons the size of cars where they will rest for another six months before breaking free as adult Mothroes. Size: Adult Mothroes are massive beasts, (Above: A middle-aged adult Mothroe compared to a lone Horizon droid. Run away, little buddy!) Weight: Adult Mothroes can weigh at around 700 lbs. Lifespan: Mothroes can live for centuries. Abilities: Giant pincers can easily crush even opponents in power armor. Don’t get in between them. Can spit streams of acid that can melt flesh and degrade metal. Large eyes grant incredible vision. Chitin protects the face, sides, and top of its body Can fly 60 mph. Running speed is 15 mph Flaws: Nocturnal predator. Underbelly is unarmored. Slow running speed
Hi. I'll be starting the grading process on this app today. What's a good estimate of the distance the acid can be flung? Not counting from air to land of course, but straight ahead.