Genetic Bio-Liquid Ejection Port (BLEP)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Ryanatorx, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Bio-Liquid Ejection Port (BLEP)

    Description: A combination of small fluid-producing glands, a modified nerve to generate a voltage across a narrow gap, an internal cavity to fill with fluid, and a small hole to eject the fuel mixture ready to ignite with the modified nerve voltage.

    -Rocket jump from heels (up to 20 feet up if continuously fired in Earth-like gravity and atmosphere)
    -Launch forward from a waist-mounted launch cavity (up to 30 feet forward if continuously fired in Earth-like gravity and atmosphere)
    -Can halt a launch at any point but cutting the voltage (this still has the same cool-down, as the rest of the fuel leaks out of the hole if its in the heels, though not the waist)

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    -Seriously burn someone if they're too close and get hit by it (like standing in front of a small jet engine)
    -Fuel doesn't have activating agent until its ready for launch, so it doesn't detonate the user if the launch cavity is burst by weaponry
    -Smells a little like greasy fast food when it fires, and most people like how McDonald's fries smell
    -Compatible with Bulwark

    -Fuel takes time for glands to create (1 minute, 10 combat rounds)
    -Fixed thrusters, so it can only launch the direction designed (either forward from the waist or out from the heels)
    -Fuel that leaks out from a cut short launch is highly combustible and smells like grease

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    -Requires roughly a week of practice before launch mechanisms are actually useful, as a thruster on your waist or heels is actually rather unwieldy
    -Really easy to break your bones with impact if you don't have Concussive Lining

    How does it work:
    Two fluid glands are used to generate the highly combustible fuel from base dietary ingredients. They must be mixed to be combustible, and only mix when prepared for launch. The launch cavity is a section of replaced muscle and tissue in either the waist or the heels. The cavity itself is composed of highly reinforced heat-resistant organic tissue, with a small membrane as the exit port.

    To fire, the cavity fills and the exit port membrane opens. A voltage high enough to ignite the fluid is generated at the cavity opening, causing ignition as the now-pressurized fluid ejects from the opening. The resulting flame jet launches the user, either 'upish' if launched from the heels or 'forward' if launched from the waist. Due to the nature of the flame, the user must either accept that they will obliterate their own clothing, trap the flame with armor, or purchase/make specialized clothing or armor that is compatible with the implant.

    Cavities in the waist replace muscle, tissue, and modify intestines and colon to accommodate the geometry of the fluid glands. The muscle around the cavities are replaced with engineered synthetic muscle that is stronger to make up for lost structural integrity. Cavities in the legs fill and replace calf muscle much like that of the waist muscle. To accommodate Bulwark, the 'bone spike' is hardened to heat exposure much like the cavity so that it doesn't melt. The Bulwark spike and launch cavity share a space.

    An additional organic brain implant (or modification to an existing structure, such as those added by other Chemical Core implants) is part of installation, so that users simply 'know' how to use their new parts, and are able to identify when there is enough fuel for another launch on reflex.

    Flavor text:
    The Grand Protector sits in an apartment with no furniture that can properly accommodate their anatomy with an engineer laying on a couch beside them, discussing something far from their expertise. In this moment, they are happy.

    In another stunning move from Chemical Core, the latest in a range of bio-modding implants has hit the market! It claims to dramatically increase the mobility of the user for both combat and espionage purposes! When paired with other bio-implants, effective mobility can reach unheard of heights! Now with the utility of impulse to compliment all the other mobilities offered!

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Concussive Lining, Bulwark Bolt

    Attainability: Semi-closed (only sold by Chemical Core)

    Tags: Industrial

    Category: Genetic

    Edit 10/1/2022: Adjusted distances to refer specifically to Earth-like conditions. Obviously rocket boots send you further in low gravity!
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hey. I just have one question about these right now.

    I assume this is a full tank's worth? About how much volume is this would you say, and how many jumps would it last someone? Are the limits you gave in the below quote tied to this?

    Ryanatorx likes this.
  3. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    One jump, regardless of if someone uses the full length or not

    Volume of fuel must be rather small in order to fit in the body, and the fuel rather high octane to produce the thrust needed to throw the distances. The limits given are tied to this. On a bigger person, the volume would be a little bigger- and that's what keeps the distances in the second quote consistent between characters.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2022
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    First pass.
    Ryanatorx likes this.
  5. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    second pass