Lithui & DieEuleFranz, Honest Thoughs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DieEuleFranz, May 28, 2021.

  1. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    (This is not a joke post)

    I'm normally not one to ask for honest thoughts about myself and my characters, but I felt like that I might do it for once, considering that I've been on GC for a little more than a year now.
    So, feel free to go ahead and criticize both me, but especially my character Lithui. I feel like I could improve in many areas, especially IC with Lithui, so I thought I might ask GC's Community, you people, for criticism and thoughts.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  2. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    I have, like. One criticism, and it's also just. A question? Somewhere in between. You're good. You could stand to use punctuation more in your IC posts, you miss periods at the ends of sentences a lot, but that's a nitpick.
    Why do you only have one character, and why is your one character an odd engineered lifeform kinda deal rather than a normal race or something?

    Also, minor recommendation. If you're doing what I think you are - waiting to reply until more people post, that is - I don't know you're gonna get much. Might be able to spark conversation which other people will join in if you reply to this rather than waiting. My first honest thoughts thread was neat, and had solid conversation on it - actually, the lack of people replying is kind of a good sign, in a way, come to think of it.
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
    DieEuleFranz likes this.
  3. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    First of all, thank you! Secondly, yeah, I have to work on my punctuation, that's a good point. Especially when I describe things, I miss out on points there practically every time. IC I use a lot of exclamation marks to underline Lithui's happy tone.

    About the question, I tried to play some other characters aswell, three I think, but Lithui always stuck with me. She's my first character on GC and the only one I consistently played. Since she fulfills what I want to do in RP I just play her, because I don't really need another character if I already have one that suits me so well. I'm also incredibly stupid when it comes to giving characters a personality and I always forget to keep a list of traits and such, so Lithui is pretty much a perfect match for me.
    I never really put much thought into her design, I got inspired by some videos and the sail and antlers I just came up with myself. I didn't make her odd or engineerd so she could stand out, I just liked the idea of her looking so weird, but never thought that it would make her more noted by others or anything. If anything I wanted her to be noted because of her incredible hunger and eating abilites, but not because of her looks.
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
    Exon likes this.
  4. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    I think I can understand that! Thank you for the answer. I do recommend you branch out a little sometime, try out a second character.
    DieEuleFranz likes this.
  5. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    No problem! I might do that sometime. I always think about making a sort-of mercenary, inspired by the mandalorian culture and Boba Fett (star wars), but I'm just /terrible/ at CRP and even more terrible with making my characters sound cool, serious, or intimidating. Every time I try to make a more CRP and coolness oriented character I end up retconning them into a more soft, peaceful person because I can't keep up their original concept.
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  6. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    And that often times leads to them becoming more and more similar to Lithui, until I just return to Lithui because she's more fun overall.